Back story: My mom isn’t known for having the most stable relationships. She has three kids including me, with all of us being between 20 and 22. We used to live with her and her boyfriend until he swung at me and kicked me and my sisters out around 3 years ago. Before anyone says anything, my mom has an extreme personality disorder and doesn’t register things like that as bad. For some reason, my oldest sister (we’ll call her S) stayed on good terms with my step dad (we’ll call him B). Flash forward to yesterday. My mom and B got into a huge fight because she found out he was texting other women.

Me and my twin sister (not S) were on the phone with my mom this morning trying to figure out how she can leave the relationship. All of a sudden S texts me and my sister. B had been texting her the entire time telling her that my mother wasn’t the victim here and giving her some sob story about how much he’s tried to keep in good contact with us, which is bullshit. We tell my mom and she stated that he used to hide his texts in between him and S from her. He also decided to tell her that he wanted to kick her out and take S in (?).

TLDR: Stepdad is a piece of shit that is texting my sister behind my moms back, offering to break up with my mom and take her in.

Am I the only one who sees how weird this situation is?

  1. There’s definitely something going on. Can’t do much because you’re all legal adults.

  2. Yea that’s some messed up stuff by the looks of it, but not much you can do really, it’s their choice to make.

  3. Dude doesn’t know the difference between personal fantasy & life reality. A group sit-down with you, your sis, and your mom to talk about what’s actually going on before you have any other contact with step-dad.

    In every aspect of the relationship, he is gaslighting. So.. strike a match and allow the flame to go back to the source.

  4. So your mom has a personality disorder where it’s doesn’t register that a man trying to hit her CHILD is bad but if that man is texting other women then it’s upsetting to her? Wtf?

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