The love of my life and I broke up about 6 months ago. I’m having trouble move on. We still talk quite a bit every week. We dated/talked for about 6 years. My problem is I currently live in Ohio and she lives in LA now. We were long distance for about 3 years too and we made it work. However these past 6 months have been hell for me, she broke up with me Bc she wanted to “be single” and ended up seeing other men. That didn’t work so she started talking to me again. Almost in retaliation, I started sleeping with someone else back in February. That kinda lured her back even more (toxic I know). We got into it the other night and kinda went at each others throats and then she said stuff like she doesnt care if I start seeing other women again etc etc Bc I’ll never come out to LA. I’m seeing no body and feel so lonely now. I’m so lost and don’t know what to do at this point. I work so much, it’s hard for me to go out and make new friends and meet people. I thought she was the one and the love of my life. It’s hard for me to get her off my mind. I recently got a new job making more money, but do I give it up in a few months and practically chase after her in LA? Or should I keep trying with new people and move on? Sorry for the lengthy post, this kinda helped just talking about all this BS though.

  1. Sounds like she wants to be single and only resumed things with you because she’s not dating anyone else. As soon as she meets someone, she’ll most likely toss you aside again.

    I wouldn’t be making life changing decisions based on someone that has shown you that she doesn’t value you.

  2. I went through quite a similar experience 2 years ago. I love in London and the girl i thought i would marry liver in Naples (Italy). She always seemed to be the perfect match to me so i was convinced it was going to work…but long distance really doesn’t work. Unless you are essentially neighbouring towns or something where it takes like 1-2 hours to get to each other. The best advice i can give you, wholeheartedly is to erase everything. Let urself be consumed by the loneliness and rage and sadness and focus it all on improving yourself with something. Be it the gym, music, art, work anything. You focus on one thing and u don’t let that thing go until you are so fucking good at it that people don’t recognise you anymore, and very slowly you will start to forget about her. the main bit is u need to erase everything abt her. Contacts, photos, chats ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I know it’s hard i really do. The first few months were hell. I was already struggling with depression and breaking up with my ex made me want to end it all. She was everything to me in a time where i had no one. But u will find others bro… trust me on this.

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