Long, super long story short, I (F18) got pregnant with my boyfriend’s (M18) baby. I aborted, of course, as we are only seniors in high school, and we are both committed to colleges far away from one another’s. Being able to co-parent this child would be impossible. My boyfriend couldn’t have been more supportive, and helped me make all the necessary appointments and do all the research. We decided to tell his parents, as they have the right to know. I thought things would go smoothly, as they always have loved me, and have always been so sweet to me, but what happened was the opposite. Dishes and glasses were smashed, cursing, yelling, and my boyfriends dad getting physical with my boyfriend was all involved. It was like I wasn’t even in the room. They were playing verbal tug of war with my fate, arguing over me like I was an object. It was probably the lowest I’ve ever felt in my life. It resulted in me getting kicked out of their house, driving home and sobbing, almost getting into an accident because of how distressed I was. My boyfriend still saw me daily, being so kind and supportive and comforted me throughout the entire procedure. I have been to his house a total of 3 or 4 times since it happened, and they won’t even look at me. I have no idea what to do.

  1. This reflects on them, not you. It sucks but there’s nothing you can do about it, you made the best choice for you and they are showing who they really are.

  2. First off, let me say I’m so sorry and my heart goes out to you for having to endure such a procedure and for losing the approval of people you obviously think highly of.

    This is an issue that has a clear line in the sand for some people, and you can’t change them no matter how you feel about it. They will have to come to terms with their feelings on their own.

  3. Pay no attention to the parents. Like you said, they made you feel the lowest you’ve ever felt in your life. Like an object. Like you weren’t even there. Is that really the kind of people you want the approval of. Come September, you’re moving on with the next stage of your life. If you and your boyfriend make it through that, and come out intact on the other side. Bonus. Now you get to start that phase of your life together. Set clear boundaries as to the involvement of the grandparents if and when that day comes.

  4. > We decided to tell his parents, as they have the right to know.

    Why on earth have they a right to know? Now see, their opinion of you has been altered and there’s not a whole lot you can do.

  5. It was dumb to tell them there are specific things you don’t tell your parent or your partners parents this is one of them

    I mean it’s not you fault but it wasn’t a smart choice

  6. Why on earth did his parents “have the right to know?” They had zero r8ght.

    But now you know who and what they are, so remember the ugly creatures they really are.

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