Why is it funnier when a girl accidentally does something like trip? Guys seem to try to hold their laugh lol.

  1. It’s the noise women make. The noise is either adorable or hilarious. Sometimes both.

  2. Not just girls, I cannot it lol

    Unfortunately, this happens in the moments you WEREN’T supposed to laugh. Well, during those moments I laugh the most hahaha

  3. probs bc a lot of guys put women up on a pedestal, so watching a high status person be humbled is pleasurable to them.

  4. Ok the difference is we’re not trying to hide our laughter at all with our friends. We’re… not…hoping to see it, but would enjoy it if it were to happen.

  5. It depends if it’s a guy I’m friends with laughing when I trip, or some rando.

  6. Because I grew up with friends who would laugh at each other getting hurt. Its just what boys normally do. It’s conditioned from a young age.

    Obviously we can tell if something is laughable or not by the fall… we know that we have to be particular about what we giggle.

    Hell, I fell down my whole flight of stairs recently. My gf comes running over are you ok? Hurt like a bitch but I was laughing.

    My gf falls out of clumsiness and not in any obvious pain, I’m probably laughing as I help her up.

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