I (25F) have been dating (27M) for 6 weeks. Right from the start I knew he was something special. He is 100% my type. I love him and I am not sure when the right time to say it is. I am recently out of a serious relationship in which I was engaged, and was not expecting this at all. My previous engagement lasted 2.5 years and we’ve been separated since January. Before being engaged I was in a 5 year relationship with someone that was emotionally abusive. The man I’m dating can read me like an open book and jokes about me falling in love with him all the time, which I find cute and I know he enjoys. I know that there are some lifestyle choices of mine that he doesn’t approve of, but he says that’s he likes dating me because I’m improving my life. He has only said I love you to two other people and neither ended well. I’m certain that he won’t say it back, and I’m not worried about that, but what if it scares him away. So far Ive been very honest about my feelings and he knows that I’m starting to fall in love with him but I have yet to say it. When do I actually say I love you?

TL;DR Been dating for 6 weeks, when do I say I love you?

  1. So the same thing basically happened to me. My gf was very much so against the word love because she found it very special. I too wanted to tell her I loved her around 2 months into dating. What I did was wait for her to say it first which she did in a moment of passion.

    Since it seems like you won’t get that from him I’d say wait for an intimate moment. After a passionate kiss or perfect date just let it flow from you naturally ^^

  2. I would say 2-3 months is fine IF you’re seeing each other multiple times per week.

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