Cause as a man who loves going to the gym I’ve noticed that alot of these actors who women find attractive are usually 5’11 – 6’2 in height and with a lean body.

I train with a few body builders but they usually say to me that im a bit tall and too naturally lean to go into bodybuilding.

  1. Not me for sure, I like muscle tone but those guys overdo it to an extent that’s really a turnoff for me

  2. Are some women into bodybuilders? Probably. I’m not. I don’t like the hypermasculime appearance. I prefer a skinny or average guy to an overly muscular or buff one, but that’s just my preference.

    Just like men have all kinds of preferences for women, women have varying tastes for men. Be your authentic self, and I assure you that there will be women who find you attractive.

  3. I’m a skinny-ish male, a cheeky happy go lucky persona will get you in with more women than you think!

  4. As a former bodybuilder, I’ve wondered this too. In my experience, women I’ve dated have liked the public appearance of being with someone muscular, but could care less when it actually comes to the intimacy and romance. In a couple of relationships, the amount of time I spent in the gym and meal prepping to maintain that physique actually caused problems. I see this similarly to the way that many men would like a supermodel at their side in public. Sure, it makes us feel great to have the hottest girl in the room, but that appearance matters very little in a genuine and long term relationship. It’s all temporary anyway.

    My current partner prefers me with some softness. She hated it when I was super lean with single digit body fat- she said I was “too hard”.

  5. As a 25f that lifts 4x a week, I can say I like muscle. I don’t like overly muscular guys. My type is actually tall, nerdy, and dorky looking guys. I prefer men to have some meat on them.

    Personality is far more important to me than the aesthetics.

  6. Don’t let anyone tell you your body type is wrong. Work hard and when you can’t get any bigger no matter what you try you’ve reached your genetic potential. If you aren’t satisfied with that start taking PEDs. The real big guys all do it and if they say don’t they’re lying. Schwarzenegger was 6’2 and thin, lean when he started too.

  7. I’m not personally but my roommate’s boyfriend is a bodybuilder. There’s someone out there for everyone.

  8. I really don’t have a strong preference but my current is a bodybuilder / weightlifter (I can’t pinpoint. He seems to do both. I really like it to be honest. He’s always been a strong man but really focused the past 1-2 years on it and grew a lot in muscle mass so I’ve found myself noticing muscles a lot more. (Not attracted to other men I just notice it now.)
    Tall athletic build is attractive too, I feel looks can be deceiving because it’s difficult to build muscle mass when you are built like that but you can be strong AF still. That to me is the important part. I want someone who has stamina and can toss me around easily. Doesn’t have to have huge muscles to do that.

  9. Nope. Bodybuilders look gross to me. I like definition of muscles but that just looks unnatural. I think body builders think all women are really into it because that’s what they tell each other.

  10. Not really. The only body builder I ever knew was in no way my type; in fact we had more of a father/daughter relationship then anything.

    In my opinion, they often tend to be overcompensating for something anyways- usually it’s their arrogant, bad attitudes, or their tiny penises that they need to make up for with the rest of their body.

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