I’m 25M and I’m about to ask a slightly younger F out for a few drinks when I see her. Long story short is that she works in the same office square as me, she always walked past my office and looked in at me, saw her on a night and we danced some, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and when I did she giggled. Saw her the following week and she called me over to join her friends, who I know mutually, for a drink. We got to know each other some more, danced together but she left early to meet some other friends. I then painfully kissed another girl that approached me after she left but I begged the other boys not to tell her, but you can bet they did.

I don’t typically get to see her during working hours, like she walks past my window but keeps her head down now. I can imagine it being embarrassing for her to talk to me through the window or wave as I sit closely with four other guys and she is very attractive.

When I see her in the street I’m going to be straight and ask if she wants to get a drink just us two. But if she says no for whatever reason for which there are plenty. What would you say is a cool way to respond/react when she rejects me?

Like I’ve had girls reject me in clubs (the old back of the head trick), tinder dates gone wrong etc but I’m going to struggle on the raw, old school, face to face approach.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

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