So lately I feel like my boyfriend just hates me. This is going to get confusing maybe but I’ll explain it the best I can. Ever since school ended (we’re both seniors) all he does is play video games, and then will sleep through the day, and not text me at all. I know this is 100% true and I can confidently say that. I’ve talked to him 3 times about this now and then he continues to do it. Even though he becomes very apologetic and says I can spam text him anytime I want. He’s admitted that he does feel bad about not texting me enough, (he had brought this up in a conversation last week out of the blue)

Let it be known that
1. this is his first “in person” relationship (he’s only edated) and I don’t know if he just doesn’t know how to show affection??
2.this is a fairly new relationship
3.I have extreme anxiety which makes me have irrational thoughts.

Anyways, I just feel like as of lately he’s dry texting. Yesterday we had a conversation he had mentioned that I always text first and that he’s not ignoring me, he just doesn’t text first that often, which i had replied “it’s fine I’ve only had to reassure myself that you don’t hate me 100 times this week😀” and I feel like a horrible person for saying that. it’s ruining my whole mood because I just feel terrible about it all. I haven’t been able to stop crying about it.

I don’t like how he’s treating me but I like him way too much to let him go, and I’d be more miserable if I were to break up with him. The honeymoon phase definitely faded in our relationship so I don’t know if that’s why.

I’ve came to 2 likely conclusions
A.he realized that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore.
B.he genuinely forgets to text me and I stupidly keep overthinking it.

Any advice/comments/thoughts are appreciated.

  1. If I were in your position I’d try to talk to him one last time, be very “hey, this is how I’ve been feeling” (not accusingly) and if I see no change then I’d break up. It’s easier said than done, specially if you empathize with their situation and know their story, but wasting time worrying and wishing things were different really takes an unnecessary toll on your self-esteem and the quality of your day to day life in general.

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