Why does it seem like average every day women have more options than good looking men? Does today’s modern dating have it where average women have more options than good looking men?

  1. Yes, women are gate keepers. All they have to do is say yes. Men have the role of asking for a date or number.

    Good looking men are also gate keepers but only a fraction of women are going to offer themselves.

  2. Probably, just by the social dynamic of a man/woman interaction. Many women wouldn’t dream of approaching a guy irrespective of how attractive they found him, and many men conversely, even attractive ones, will chase after anything reasonably attractive if they’re horny enough

  3. Because unfortunately not as many women will approach men, even good looking ones. But a lot of men will approach women, even if we’re deliberately uninterested-looking. So we do have more opportunities to say yes/no to approaches, simply because they happen more often.

  4. It’s possible, but if that’s the case the man will have a better ratio in quality options

  5. Well, see it also this way: average looking is not a bad thing. Average can still be beautiful. Average can still be gorgeous. Average can still be charming. Maybe is Average to you.

    But let’s assume that the initial generalization is correct: Average looking women have more options than good looking men.
    Good looking men will most likely strictly stay within the range of good looking women. Hardly any woman will go after a super hot guy if she doesn’t feel their looks match up, because most men will immediately dismiss such a proposal. Also good looking men can theoretically go after any women, but if they are used to always get their ways based solelyon their looks, without practicing their flirting, seduction and charming skills, then yes they have way less options left in their hands.
    Then on the other side, the average looking women have always relied on more than just their looks around dating. They know how to date both with above and below Average looking people. Both of the aforementioned categories think is within their range to date them.
    Hence it makes a numerical sense for them to have more options, even though I have no empirical data to support my conclusions.

  6. No they don’t have that. They might have more guys willing to have sex with them, but only some of the average girls are looking for just that. The ones that aren’t looking for that are set up to have a few dates with guys that won’t stay with them in a serious relationship and just ends up disappointing and hurting.

    It’s not about the number of options of whatever, it’s about the options of the thing you want. It’s like going into a supermarket and they’ve got 100 types of cereal, but due to your allergies or preferences, only 1 type that you like. It means you have 1 option, not 100, even if there are 100 in the shelf.

    Talk with almost any woman, if they’re dating then they’re struggling with it. If it’s not from not getting any attention, then it’s from only getting attention from guys that only want them for sex and nothing more serious. It’s silly to ask bitter guys about this, they don’t know, you have to ask the women.

  7. I mean, I never really had any options and still don’t have any lol

    I AM in a relationship right now but that basically only exists because we were good friends before

  8. I believe your generalizations are too broad. What are you considering an average woman? A 7? What about a good looking man? An 8 or a 9? Personally I think woman in the 8 range have the most options. Women who are a 9 swipe left on 100-150 men before they find 1(generally speaking) they are extremely picky. Women in the 8 range are closer to swiping right on around 10 out of 100-150. Most of those men at the very least will have sex with them.but a high 8/9 man who will swipe right on 7’s strictly to sleep with along with 8’s & 9’s will have plenty of options. As long as you are slightly attractive, the less standards you have, the more matches you will get.

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