Hello, I’m using this sub for a bit of market research.

I’ve got an impression from reddit that Zoom is nowdays quite popular for business/school videocalls in the US, so what do you think? Do you use Zoom or Teams for videocalls?

Here in Europe pretty much everyone uses Microsoft Teams, at least in business setting, since pretty much every business uses Microsoft Office. I don’t think I’ve ever had a business call over Zoom, while I had many over Teams.

And probably related question, do you use Google office suite used instead of Microsoft Office? Which one do you use at work?

  1. I work in a hospital and we use teams, although it’s rare to use either one here. It’s already part of the system and installed on everything that has Microsoft (which is everything) so why bother paying for thousands of additional licenses to use zoom?

    Edit: by “here” I mean at my work, not speaking for other places in the US

  2. Zoom is kind of the unspoken standard. It’s easier, and works on any operating system.

    Microsoft kind of mis-stepped there, in my opinion. They were too slow to realize the video conferencing was going to be really big. It’s one of the downsides to being a huge global conglomerate: even if there’s some engineer practically screaming at his boss that video conferencing is going to be big? It still had to go throw layers and layers of approvals.

    Meanwhile, Zoom, being smaller and much more “agile”, was straight eating Microsoft’s lunch for a few years. By the time Microsoft finally rolled out Teams? People were already having long videochats with their grandmother in Utah (or wherever) via Zoom, and brought that habit to the workplace as well.

  3. Some businesses I know use only Zoom for Business reasons but people I know would rather use Teams because it seems better. My parents (who work for a government contractor, have to use Zoom for Business reasons but for private reasons use Skype or Google Hangouts, etc.

  4. I work at a large company, and we’re a Microsoft suite company. We use Teams. I use Zoom on my personal owned devices.

  5. I work in education and at my schools, Zoom was already built in to our learning management systems (basically a website we use to have all our stuff available to our students) pre pandemic. Obviously once it happened, the use skyrocketed.

  6. It’s about 50/50 at my company. Our system uses Microsoft Office and generates a Teams link as the default, but I’m one of the people who replaces it with a Zoom link because I find Teams to be way slower and glitchier than Zoom. Zoom runs seamlessly. I’ve never had an issue with it. I honestly question why people would prefer Teams.

  7. I work for state government, we use Teams. I dontbknow if it’s a contracting thing or if it’s because it’s already on the computers and they don’t trust us to download other stuff, but we use Teams. I don’t have a preference either way.

  8. In my work we use MS Office including Teams.

    However, I work in a Judicial Facility, and the Court uses Zoom for remote hearings and videoconferences with Judges and Magistrates.

    So while my department uses MS Teams, other parts of the Court use Zoom for Government for actual court hearings.

  9. I use both equally for school (master’s)! We do not use Google at all as our school doesn’t have a contract with them

  10. I work in education, which is obviously different. We do use/have used Zoom but during the shutdowns students accessed classes and teachers through Google meet. We use Google for most things (emails are served through Gmail, Google docs are most common as they are live documents, most middle and high school teachers use Google classroom to post assignments and materials). I have never used teams in my life.

  11. Zoom is way more popular. There were ads for zoom even before the pandemic started. I’ve never heard of teams until someone said it was another video conference calling software

  12. I consult for multiple clients, so I hop around between Teams, Zoom, and WebEx, depending on which one summons me. Teams takes the longest to load, has the most inscrutable interface / functionality, and generates the most friction (people not being able to enter meetings, struggling with usability, etc.). Zoom is far simpler and more straightforward, seems to deliver better image quality, and does not ever freeze or crash. It’s the one my company uses as default. I’d say my conferences are 60% Zoom, 35% Teams, 5% WebEx.

    The odd thing is, a lot of these meetings could be conducted via Skype or just on a simple mobile-to-mobile conference — there’s no document sharing, no real need to see each other — but people still default to these more complicated/unwieldy options and all the unnecessary baggage they come with. Christ, stop futzing with some crazy conference room installation and just ring me.

    As for your other question, I mainly use Office365, except when a doc is being gang-edited across multiple locales, when Google Docs works better.

  13. Our camera is mounted upside down in our conference room. Zoom allows me to simply rotate the view 180°. In Teams I have to go through OBS. So that’s why I prefer Zoom.

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