I used to work in a small office, a women who had only been here about 6 months came in on the weekend to clean for free since we hadn’t got round to paying for a cleaner. On one occasion she couldn’t find anyone to look after her son, so she “had” to bring him to the office whilst she tidied up.

She was never asked to do this, just took it upon herself.

  1. If it was filthy I’d probably do the same. Can’t stand being in dirty places let alone having to work in one.

  2. I worked at a golf course out in America for 6 months on an internship. This Aussie guy was an intern too but had been there a bit longer so felt he was higher up the pecking order. Whatever sort of cloths our boss wore to work you could guarantee he’d be wearing it too within a couple days. Always sucking up to him, hanging out on his office trying to be pally with him. Sad thing is the boss was a really great boss and guy to work for but this bellend just became insufferable!

  3. Going out to the fag shelter with the manager whenever he went for a smoke—a non-smoker.

  4. “office manager” Booked our engineers flights that took longer (with stops when direct was available), no extra leg room, and awful times. “To save our company money.” When it’s been made clear to her that our clients are paying their travel fees but she still insisted to charge our clients a price of a direct flight then book our engineers on a 2 connection flight. She thought she was saving the company money, she wasn’t getting commission on it, she pissed off our engineers one refused to travel because of her. We had to pay our engineers whilst they waited in the airport in the end she maybe saved a couple of quid. Anyway when layoffs started happening even with all her hard work and ass kissing she was the first on the chopping board.

  5. That’s not brown nosing. That’s just being fucking tired of working in a dirty shithole. I might have done that myself.

    Worked witha guy I could on abotu for ages. But man, he brown nosed. He was brought in as our manager but had fuck all knowledge about the job. He’d constantly ask you for updates and when done he’d try and steal all the credit to the boss. Had a big emergency with clients, worked my ass off making sure they were covered best we could. Once done I saw an email from him to my boss with everybody copied in stealing all the credit for the work I did. I gave a “further update to clarify things listing in detail everything I did myself. Which included everything he said.

    He’d also change opinions mid sentence as if it was what he said in the first place. “That’s what I said” was his catchphrase.

    Him: The sky is red.

    Us: No it’s blue

    Him No it’s red for sure

    Boss: it’s definately blue

    Him: That’s what I said, it’s blue.

  6. Fucking Sandra. She eats at her desk and works through lunch even though literally no one asks her to and has no qualms about answering other department’s lines to be ‘helpful’.

    She came into the break room once when I was on my lunch and told me one of the Directors was on MY line that was switched to go to answerphone and wanted to speak to me. It wasn’t an emergency so I said I was on lunch and would call them back at 2pm. Director was absolutely fine with it but Sandra got a right bee in her bonnet about how I would DARE reject the call and she “would never”. Can’t stand the woman.

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