So.. recently everything I knew about myself has been completely shaken and I find myself really into the idea of misogyny, or like putting men first.
It started after meeting a guy off tinder who was into that whole thing and pretty much opened my eyes to this world that.. really makes me feel super naughty and it’s exciting and sort of makes me feel like it’s a missing puzzle of my life.
Anyways, I’ve been slowly exploring that with him and also the pages he tells me to check out on here, but while I following his orders, I came across a subreddit that had the thing I was looking for in its name so I went to check it out and it was like, women really against this thing. They were taking about how other girls who are in to that kind of stuff have no respect or love for themselves and are mentally broken. That they are ruining society and making a bad name for the other women of the world.
It just made me feel so confused and bad and now I’m wondering wtf is wrong with me and I don’t want to like what I like anymore.
Is that sort of fetish or kink or whatever it is really that bad? Should I feel ashamed and stop?? I don’t want to ever hurt any other women or like do something bad and I’m just sort of like not sure what to do.

  1. you’re not hurting them. their just in their feelings. it’s not hurting you or them

  2. Oooooh, battle of the priorities! Which is more important feminism or a woman’s sexual autonomy and right not to be kink shamed? And, FIGHT!

  3. Guy here, honestly I think this is more of a question to a therapist. The reason I say this is because by the sounds of it the boundary between it being pleasurable to you and degrading to you is definitely blurred. Getting down into the fundamentals of why it is a turn on for you might help you get a better understanding and a more accurate compass on where to go. Best of luck to you!

  4. > I don’t want to ever hurt any other women

    Sometimes you just can’t help it – someone is going to take offense at a belief of yours. You can’t please all of the people all of the time, but you can be graceful about it. I coincidentally came across [this article]( earlier today and it highlighted that there can be a power to submission.

    You choose if you follow his orders or not – you are exercising the power. You can be submissive in the bedroom and completely different out of it. It may take a bit to find the right partner you can trust, etc., but you may have already done so.

    Don’t let others define what is right for you.

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