I’m seeing this guy and things are going really well, the sex is good, the conversation is great, and I have the best time around him. We were fwb since January, and a couple weeks ago he said he would like to start going out on dates and stuff. He stayed the night, and everything was great, he cuddled me all night and in the morning, kissed me good-bye, everything. I still can’t get it through my head that he’s not lying to me about liking me though. He was even the one to initiate the change from fwb to going out on dates and stuff. I don’t want to seem clingy because that’s not who I am at all, so I don’t want to ask for reassurance, but I also can’t comprehend why he likes me and if he really does. Is there any good way to calm my fears? Do I just have to ride this out?

TLDR: New situation-ship, everything is going good, but I’m still overthinking.

1 comment
  1. This is where friends come in. Spend time with them. Soothes the nerves and helps you gain perspective.

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