He’s extremely sweet however i know he is very experienced … I don’t want him to think there is something wrong with me or to put any kind of pressure on him that will scare him away.

Yes i know everyone has their own clocks and 26 isn’t too late but I would like to know the best way to tell him that and break the ice. *How* do i say it, and when is the best time, now, or maybe some more time in? I basically don’t want a potential partner to think i will put up with shitty behavior because i am desperate for a relationship because thats furthest from the truth

  1. Please remind me…Why does he need to know that you’ve never been in a relationship?

  2. Just be honest. Communication is a big deal and as long as you two talk about it together and tell each other things instead of assuming. You will be fine.

    But also not a good idea to bring it up out of the blue. Next time you talk to him, and you talk about a subject that is kind of like this, then bring it up.

    Also also, try do ask a open ended question. Last thing someone wants is “does this dress make me look fat?” questions. So ask something like “I’m a bit nervous because X, Y and Z. So please if we come across something that may because of it, please tell me.” Leave the door open for him to answer you and you can ask more afterwards.

    Wish you the best!

  3. Is it obvious he’s into you? If so, he will not care whatsoever if you told him you have been in no relationships before or 100. If a guy is talking to you, happy to be around you, and ultimately cares about you; he’ll not think twice about it.

    Maybe wait until you know he’s very much into you if he’s not already and then tell him. But if he already likes you a great deal and has shown that, tell him the next time you talk with him.

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