Men who ran away from home as a teenager, how did you survive and how did that turn out for you? How’d you find shelter, a job, etc?

  1. I just moved in with a friend I went to school with. Already had a job and my own car so I just gave his mom $100 per month for food

  2. I started shaving at six years old at 8 years old I was old enough to cross the street. After that I was attacked by a pack of feral dogs. After a brutal fight with the alpha dog, bloodied and bruised, we walked away in separate directions, the melee was a draw. At this point, I decided I could forage for my own food, try as I might I finally became skilled at trapping armadillos. Then, at age 9 I learned to tie a neck tie out of a live rattlesnake, packed up my Legos and left on my big wheel.

  3. I took off at 15. Lived on the streets for several years. I slept rough and where I could, wasn’t nice. Was given a break by a guy running a kitchen, he put me on and I made enough while living on the streets to make enough to rent a room by the week ina. Boarding house/flop house. From there it was go to school when I turned 18. I had to bust my ass with three jobs at that point to afford it but I did. All to get a good education. In the end, the degree was pointless and I ended up working in a kitchen again now as a head chef (10 plus years later)

  4. Not a runaway but worked with a lot of youths. A lot of them waited till they were 18 and then joined the military to escape.

  5. Didn’t run away, just left year ago because family is toxic and not supportive. I’m currently studying in another city, told them i will go, work, pay for rent, scholarship and all other stuff myself. No one believed me, i of course made it. Now, i made it because i already had enough money to survive 2 months, and I always keep that amount with me in case of emergency – like this one. So after 10 days i found myself a job at restaurant, found small, cheap apartment in a month, everything was going great, never been happier in my life tbh. I will be returning home for good in 8 days with everyone’s mouth is shut now.

  6. I didn’t run away. But I did get emancipated at 16. Family life was shit. I did have some help from my friends parents. They let me stay in a garage apartment long enough to get my own place. They actually helped sign for a small apartment for me.

    Wasn’t easy, went to school full time, did odd Jobs, worked in restaurants at night and weekends. During summers I worked construction during the day. I also helped my friends dad at his garage when I could, learned to rebuild both cars and motorcycles. Did that straight through college. I lifeguarded during summers, eventually got my paramedic certificate. Started working in various ER’s and ambulances companies.

    I ended up earning 2 masters and about ready now to retire early (55,) in a year or so. No way it was easy, but the rewards were definitely worth the effort.

  7. I started waiting tables and I saved up all my cash.

    I got a one bedroom apartment and it didn’t have any furniture in it for years.

    I made sure I learned how to budget very quickly.

  8. Don’t know if this counts. But I ran away at 18 to NY to become a bicycle messenger (damn you Kevin Bacon and your movies)
    I had a job but still lived on the streets for a few months until I found a place.

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