Well here we go I’m a decent looking 5 foot 9 male 24 who owns a small home rental business and has a good job and i feel anymore dating is just buying dates food and drinks only to get the usual “your a nice guy but *xyz reason*” and the “I had a great time *then never hear from her again*” now I’ve done dating apps and hit up bars and clubs and everywhere is a similar result I don’t have any problems with striking up conversations with random people but as of late im strugging to bounce back from getting broken up or getting friendzoned time after time

  1. Go to the gym and put on 15lbs, groom properly if you’re not already, and basically hope you get lucky. I’m 5’10” but very fit, and it is fucking weird out there. I had a girl recently stop in a walkway and wait for me to pass her, looking dead at me. I keep walking, finally stop because she obviously wants my attention and before I get a word out she goes “Nothing” and walks off. A few weeks later a random guy tried to fight me because he thought I was looking at his girl, who was literally 50ft in the opposite direction. The group were all day drinking. Like… I’m literally going about my business and people are forcing their weird little schemas on me. Shit is weird. Apps are weird. Guys are weird. Girls are weird. I’m weird. Shits weird. But you’re young and you can learn. So just don’t take it personal because you’re not right for everybody and everybody’s not right for you. Keep truckin.

  2. I’m also 5’9″ and when I was single at 24 I was in the EXACT same boat. I dove into a relationship at 25 I shouldn’t have and it crashed and burned 2 years later. I wasn’t happy in the relationship but I prolonged it just out of fear of how girls treat me when I’m single. Finally, I built up the courage to get out and did and I’m actually having more success now. For the first time in my life, I’ve had to reject girls that I find attractive. I’ve never been able to do that before. I feel like 27-32 is the *settling zone*. All the girls that have been chasing after 6’0 dudes start getting tired and start paying more attention to the 5’9″ dudes. Not all of them, just like maybe 1% but on dating apps that’s huge.

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