I can’t make this title personal so pls answer
“How do you feel when a woman expresses she’s got a crush on you? Do you find it weird? Do you like it or appreciate it?

  1. Shows she’s pretty progressive, I actually prefer that to her asking me out.

  2. It depends on how I feel about her. If I’m interested in her, it makes me feel great. If I’m not interested in her then it feels good in a way (since it’s a compliment) but also makes me a little nervous because I have to figure out a way to tell her I’m not interested without hurting her any more than necessary.

  3. In general? No.
    Some guys may find it weird, especially if they don’t have any thing for you or don’t have anything for you yet.

  4. I don’t swing that way… but the few times it’s happened I’ve found it to be this weird combination of kinda awkward… but flattered lol.

  5. It’s not weird on its face. We all have (or will) get a little too drunk one day and say things they shouldn’t. I appreciate that they had the stones to tell me. It’s certainly not a negative. I’ll be a little flattered, ask them where they were 25 years ago. But then I’ll have to let you down gently and remind you I’m happily married.

  6. Itd for one be a huge confidence boost but definitely not weird. If I like them back, awesome! If not, id politely explain my feelings.

  7. Generally instead of expressing a crush, try asking him out or to fuck or something along those lines.

  8. I can’t believe this is an actual question. You know we’re human too, right? Fuck.

    We feel good when someone expresses they have a crush on us for the most part.

  9. Honestly depends if I find her attractive. If I find her attractive its a compliment and I can go with it. If I find her unattractive its whatever.

    Regardless its quick way to get your answer.

  10. It is weird as in suspicious sounding. If I see some signs beyond just a handful of words, it would in theory feel good. I’ll tell you if it ever happens.

  11. I mean I sort of feel this isn’t just a man or woman thing. Look of someone confesses their feelings for you it’s basically this: if you are attracted to them, things go well. If you are not attracted to them, things get awkward fast.

  12. I’ll try to find out who paid her.
    Then go confront that person and ask if the prank was worth it and didn’t the money have any better use

  13. Depends on whether you find the woman attractive and whether you’re single, obviously.

  14. It depends on how I feel about her. If I’m interested in her, definitely. It’s a huge confidence boost. Who wouldn’t want to feel wanted? However, on the other hand, if I disliked her, I’d find it awkward because I’d have to turn her down. Nobody likes rejection; it sucks.

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