I seem to have the worst luck. I can’t seem to attract anybody who I actually like. I don’t think I’m bad looking at all. A lot of my friends and coworkers say I’m attractive. I dress casual/street like, I stay in shape, I’m nice to everyone, I work hard. I’ll admit my self confidence can use a little work, but other than that, it’s really discouraging how I feel like I can’t achieve what I want. The girl is either always taken, rejecting me, or ends up ghosting me. I refuse to lower my standards because I don’t want to end up in a situation where we’re both unhappy because I wasnt attracted to her in the first place.

I dunno if anybody can help.

  1. Do you want help being less shallow or winning the hearts of someone equally shallow?

  2. I’m sure you are very handsome, but some people have a lot of options in this life and just being handsome doesn’t always cut the mustard. I don’t mean to discourage you and I can identify with what you’re saying but it’s important to see this from multiple perspectives (mainly hers). It also might be beneficial to adjust your standards a bit, maybe someone who you don’t find initially attractive can really surprise you and grow on you once you get to know them. Personality is so important. When you start dating you’ll find out very quickly if you’re into them or not.

  3. Don’t treat them any different than the ugly ones. Being pretty doesn’t make them special.
    Do yourself a favor and find a woman that understands the real world and how it works.
    A lot of women even my age are just terribly uneducated and are literally only good at ghosting and wasting your time and money. They spend most of their times shaking their meat on the internet because they’re too fucking stupid to actually learn skills and improve their way of life.
    To be fair, I’m only speaking on the women in my area, I know I’m being general, but they do that shit to us too.

  4. Its not luck, its looks.

    If you were attractive you’d know about it and wouldn’t have this “bad luck” – women would be showing interest in you, thats simply a fact. Your coworkers are lying to make you feel better.

    Your best best is to try and improve this through surgery/fitness and/or improve your status/wealth.

    Any other answer is this thread will just be generic bullshit that wont make a tangible difference to your situation.

  5. Why do the girls you like reject you or ghost you? You should start with finding out what keeps them from finding you desirable.

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