Though times are better now (for some) than they were in the past, what is something that comes with being a woman during this time that you hate?

  1. Honestly, periods. Society doesn’t make it easy for us to deal with them. Pads and tampons are expensive, reusable options aren’t readily available, and it’s hard to talk about even nowadays. The period shame is real and still with me. I also get bad cramps and am scared of being viewed as weak. I wish I could be honest about my period and mention it like someone would their sore back or stuffy nose.

  2. Not being respected in the workplace, especially in male dominated fields.

    People still expect women to be “nurturing” and want kids.

    Abortions aren’t legal an accessible in most places.

    Periods exist.

    People expect women to put way more effort into their appearance than men.

  3. Breast feeding. Jfc that would have been so much easier in times past.

    Do you know how hard that is to keep up with work, study, social life… existing as a whole?

    If you’re breast feeding you’re not doing anything else. You get mum shamed for a coffee

  4. Not being able to go out at night alone without risk of impending doom 🙄

  5. The biological clock is still just as unforgiving.

    For young women who want children and a career, it is a frustrating fight against time.

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