I don’t have any close girl friends but I wish I did.
I had a few girl groups when I was younger because I moved to different schools & met new people.
4 years ago I broke up with my most recent friend group because I knew they were getting involved in things I didn’t want to get involved in. I don’t really talk to anyone I was involved with & Im grateful it has helped me grow but sometimes I miss them. I know it was for the best & staying there would’ve prevented me from accomplishing the things I have, but I miss having friends.

I tried to make new friends, that flow as naturally as my old group(s) but have goals & hobbies that align with my own but it’s so hard. I feel like these new friendships are not real & so forced. I end up cutting off these new “friends” because I feel like I’m being fake towards them. With my other friends I felt so comfortable being myself but with these new people I feel so fake & turned off by the things they do.

How do I stop being so fake to these new people? I say I want friends but when I make new ones I don’t like the friendship & end it.

1 comment
  1. You have a very different definition of what being a “fake friend” is than I do. It’s ok for friends to have different hobbies, passions and goals. If you like them and they like you, let them in!

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