How differently do you view a woman after she starts sharing her nudes with you even though you’re not in a defined relationship?

  1. I start thinking: nice, I get to actual have some sort of physical, mental relationship with this girl because she’s not shooting herself in the foot by being prude

  2. I have no interest in nudes, in fact I’d rather she doesn’t send any to me ever, even if we are in a relationship.

  3. Happened to me once. Enjoyed it quite a bit.

    After time we ended up just being friends tho.

  4. Depends entirely on the circumstances. What is she aiming at? Is she seeing/speaking to someone else as well? What kind of material is she sending me?

  5. Well Idk there’s many ways to approach this. If a woman, good friend of mine, for a reason sent nudes or we traded with each other, I’d still view her the same way as before.

    I see nothing wrong with that, as long as there is a consent between both.

    Now there is that relationship side. That is better if you talk with him and see if there’s a shared interest in developing into something more serious.

  6. If nothing else, I’d assume she has interest and at least some level of trust with me. That’s pretty appealing.

  7. If a girl were to send me nudes, then I would appreciate that she trusts me. But I usually don’t ask for them, because it’s like asking what’s in the present before opening the present. Why ruin the movie by having all the good stuff in the trailer? If she let me take the nudes myself, that would turn me on more, if that was her intent. Well that’s my unpopular opinion at least.

  8. I feel trusted. I feel they trust and probably like me. And I would think they’re the kind of people who enjoy sending nudes. Unless it happens way too early in our timeline of knowing each other and without them having had a chance to know me, in which case I’d think they don’t have well-defined boundaries.

  9. I feel no different and/or appreciate the pics.. I probably wanted to see her naked anyway.

  10. Usually comes across as thirsty / desperate.

    That being said: I don’t really do fwb / nsa anymore, so at least for the past 5 years or so when a gal I’m not dating has shown me her nudes it’s because we’re still in the exploratory phase.

    It’s not a deal breaker, but I’m a bit of a prude so it loses a gal a few respect points. Not really that big of a deal, ain’t like they’re hard to get back.

  11. I enjoy works of art, i consider myself to be a real Renaissance man lol

    On a serious note, i don’t view her differently. I actually feel flattered that she wants me to see her in that manner. She obviously wants to show me so i will gladly oblige.

  12. Really the only difference is that she turns from someone I was “trying” to have sex with or “hoping” to have sex with into someone I’m probably “going” to have sex with

  13. I wouldn’t wanna see her naked until I’m at least in a relationship with her that’s just me sending nudes ruins the surprise of what’s underneath

  14. It wouldn’t effect my view on her

    If she was a potential relationship before, she will continue to be. If I had zero serious interest in her before, that will continue to be the case

  15. I’d think she either wants to pull a really nasty stunt on me, the kind that ends with me in prison and/or serious debt; or, far less likely, actually wants sex (it can also be both). Anyway, it’s ghosting time

  16. Last time I ever got a nude was when blackberries were at their peak.

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