So, I’ve never dated before in my life. I used to be very shy and socially awkward throughout my life in school and never really had much friends growing up. I had very few which was great but I never really build that connection with many people and espicially with women through High School. In College, I met this girl in a class and she just approached and just had a nice convo. We became friends and we were very close and overtime I developed feelings for her but she never did. It took a while but I’m over her a long time ago. Other then that, I’ve never really build connections with women. I’ve met a few online and we became good friends but never in person. I just at times feel frustrated because I’ve never had a gf before and was always due to low self esteem, social anxiety and never putting myself out there. I just really want to crave some genuine emotional connection with women. Of course, I’m working on myself and loving myself and not being needy is important but I want to experience dating since I’ve never dated and just want an actual deep emotional bonding with women.

  1. Sounds like you already know what you have to do. Put yourself out there and just strike up a conversation with someone and keep doing that until something develops. It’s really easy once you actually get started.

    Take it from me, I love it when guys just strike up a conversation about anything at all with me. Lol. Come up with some good questions to ask and then ask them. You got this!

  2. Well start small brav, get yourself use to talking to alot of woman in real life forget the internet one’s, the cashier, the barista.

    Get use to that and once you feel you can hold a good conversation with any random woman go ahead and ask them out

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