I’m keeping this short and simple. I’ve been seeing this guy for about a month, we’ve talked everyday for the past three months, we went out Saturday and had a great time together, but after that he just stopped responding to my messages. I know he’s been online so it seems like he’s just straight up ignoring me.

Why now of all times is he ignoring me after we had a really good night out, I thought he liked me since the past few months and especially last week we were chatting nonstop. I don’t understand why guys just suddenly ghost us when things seem to be going great. I’m not about to ask him why he hasn’t responding since I know it will probably turn him off even more. I just don’t know what else to do.

  1. What did you message him in the messages he’s been ignoring? Is it just one message or multiple?

  2. Move on. If you’re not going to ask him that’s all you can do. If he had had a great time and wanted things to move forward he’d be messaging you. Maybe he just wasn’t feeling it and doesn’t want to have that awkward conversation.

  3. first time sex on that ‘good night out’? that could be why (he’s got what he was after, without becoming too invested)

    else, it’s just life and you’re part but not all of it and one day sliding by is simply not that big a deal (certainly, to him)

  4. why do women do it? I was talking to a girl every day for a week, everything was fine, we had no argy bargy, the chats flowed extremally well and were effortless, then she just,,,, ghost me?

    it’s too bad because i was actually starting to really like her and was going to ask her about moving things into more official dating not just the “Talking” stages but ahh well,, her loss really i guess, just baffled by it.

  5. Honestly, seems to me like he is playing games maybe he is waiting for you to text him again. If you wanna talk send a text if he ignores it case closed. Did you talk about how things are going with each other on the date?

  6. Some guys hate talking and all that romantic crap. It’s not your fault some guys are just stubborn in their ways.

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