Just curious as men are considered less emotional than women

  1. Can’t remember. I’m 27 now and I haven’t cried since I was at least 14.

  2. When my grandad passed away in 2017. Had a few moments over lockdown where I teared up but not a proper cry.

    Wish I could cry more but for some reason it doesn’t happen as easily anymore.

  3. Last week, the anniversary of when I met my best friend. He passed away last year.

  4. Like a week ago. My wife was sad about the passing of her grandma. And sometimes seeing her cry and seeing the pain on her face makes me cry.

  5. I don’t think we’re necessarily less emotional. It’s just when we are it’s frowned upon most of the time by society. So we show less emotion.

  6. A few months ago when I realised its been over ten years since I’ve seen my sisters thanks to my ‘mother’

  7. cried while holding my mom’s hand while she was living her last moments, sleeping with morphine, few hours before she died

  8. A couple of weeks ago. Had to call things off with a girl I really liked because the logistics just didn’t work for me (distance).

  9. I think it was February or March. My friend and roommate is terminally ill and can’t pay rent anymore. At the time, it seemed my only option was to uproot my life and blow all my savings moving to a less expensive city, leaving him to die homeless. It was either him or both of us.

    I broke down a few times when I was driving around sorting things out.

    (He found some rent help and bought more time, but the day is still coming.)

  10. A few hours ago. I was talking about the film Life is Beautiful and I can’t think of the ending without welling up. Same for the girl in the red in Schindler’s List.

  11. I was fucking near because this mass shooting in US, not the shooting itself: The female teacher who tried to protect some childs, got shot and a few days after her husband got a hearth attack and died, there 4 kids are alone now.

    I rly cried a few years back, I was on rehab, getting clean and was told on telephone that my former dog died. Felt like it was a trade that she gave her live so I can live, clearly irrational

  12. At least once a week. Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom so I won’t get judged

  13. Once when I watched a powerful Kiwi movie called “Once were Warriors” with Temuera Morrison in it. The funeral scene was a total tear-jerker.

  14. I cry multiple times a week. Last time was two days ago I cried because my son didn’t want to go to his mothers grave with me so I had to go alone.

  15. Last time was couple of months ago, my gf wanted to watch the whole MCU. and the i love you 3000 just got me again

  16. Does stepping on a Lego count? Or banging your pinky toe on the corner of something?

  17. When my dog died two-years-ago. Cried like a baby and didn’t care who saw me. At the vet, the guy nearest to me buried his face in his hands.

  18. 2 days ago.

    Was thinking of my big sister that died 13 years ago when I was 18.

    Just remembering some of the things we used to do. Her smile, laugh, personality.

    Wish we could have shared a lifetime of memories with each other. Introduce our families to each other… Watch our own kids grow up and be kids with each other..

    I guess crying right now is the most recent

  19. Had to say goodbye to my dog about 3 months ago. I’ve cried almost every day since

  20. Father passed away from cancer just over a month ago. So fairly recently and frequently.

  21. Last week when we euthanized our 10 yo german shepherd. Before that … idk. Never cried, not even at my father‘s funeral.

  22. time: around a few hours ago

    reason: because of the abuse I endured from my girlfriend for 4 years.

  23. I think I was like 15 and still overemotional teen.

    But dunno if this count as crying, but when dentist cut my gum with scalpel without any anesthesia, one tear from each of my eyes got out due to intense and sharp pain.

  24. On the day before my birthday , I didn’t have a childhood at all had to be mature since 13 years old . My birthdays passed all the time but I didn’t care because bigger issues were at hand but now that I’m in calmer water; I assume this happened because of it . I was feeling very very heavy on the days before my birthday, I didn’t know what I was feeling. When it was 11pm the day before my birthday I sat down and waiting to know what I was feeling and tears started falling. I didn’t sob but it felt good after. I realised that all my friends have great memories and I have nothing but sad stories.the fact that I could never have the time back along with other similar shit really broke me that day. I cried after like 2 years that time. I haven’t cried until today (2 years). I have to like focus on all the hard issues in my past and present to even get tears to fall out. Hope you got your answer OP goodluck.

  25. About a month ago. Went through a breakup, was confronted with video evidence that she was cheating on me. Provided by a friend of hers who felt I should know. I had no idea and didn’t suspect anything. Cried a significant amount for a weekend. Mostly better now, still hurts though. I’m in my 40s, before that it had been at least ten years.

  26. Looking at my old dog who has a heart condition, wondering how long I have with him🥲

  27. It’s not like men are considered to have less emotions than woman. It’s more like we just suck up everything all our life coz Noone gives a shit and if we’re weak or show certain weakness in our emotions, we just get “be a man and sort your stuff” .

  28. i absolutely love crying. feels great. for some reason i havent in forever though its sucky. ive definitely dry cried alot, like once a week atleast

  29. Last year. Had just found out my grandfather was dying. He ended up living for another 8 months after that though 😂

  30. I guess last december a little when I was processing some stuff. But before that the last time I can remember was when I was 12 or something at a funeral. I’m 30 now.

  31. This morning, thinking about how my kids are growing up so fast and I am missing it because of my mental health issues

  32. Years ago, I was 17 my little sister asked me to be her confirmation sponsor and I bawled my eyes out.

  33. haven’t shed tears in a while, but i dry-cried a few weeks ago just cause i feel alone.

  34. This morning when I was reading about the teacher who survived the school shooting in Uvalde describing watching all 11 of his 3rd and 4th graders being murdered while he pretended to be dead after being shot multiple times and had to wait 77 minutes for the cops to do their damn jobs.

  35. I don’t cry, last time I cried was about 2 years I think because I told off by mum and just verbal and physical abused 😂 other than that experience I never really cried as a child, and I’m 20 now and I just don’t do it. Scary in my opinion because I loss control of myself I feel irrational and my mouth and eyes start doing stuff 😂

  36. I cried in shower sometime last week. Had rough day and released all those emotions at the end of it. Felt much better afterwards.

  37. Thanks to everyone for sharing. I extend my compassion to all who are grieving a family member, pet or relationship and I hope time makes it slightly easier.

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