Like the title says wife and I have been together for 31 years and are in a pretty good place. But you know what they say if you are not moving forward then you are going backwards. Hoping for at least another 31 years so just curious what anyone else has read or is reading that you think added a new dimension or insight into your marriage.

  1. 10 years, three small kids. We aren’t reading anything, but we ARE very much enjoying the dates in the Adventure Book Couples Edition. We do one a week and I find myself looking forward to it every week. They’re always something we wouldn’t have thought to do on our own, but they’re always very fun.

  2. I love what the Gottman institute puts out and subscribe to their newsletters.

  3. If they say that they should stop saying that and concentrate on having fun and chatting with their wife, instead of sitting inside making up nonsensical, deep sounding proverbs 🙂

  4. Passionate marriage, eight dates, seven principles for making marriage work, the five love languages, Attached, and we both read personal development for individuals (which helps to be a better partner/person). Together 17 years.

  5. nothing on marriage but lots on makign myself great


    no more mister nice guy

    when I say no I feel guilty

    Mindful Attraction plan

  6. 5 love languages was a great read for us. It helps to understand your spouse’s language of love to ensure you are communicating love in a way your partner can feel it most fully.

  7. The Gottman Institute has an email newsletter called Marriage Minute I often find useful. I’ve read 7 Principles of Making Marriage Work by them as well.

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