All people who are gratified with people in your life, what does your arrangement look like?

1 comment
  1. Keep in mind that it’s my belief on an healthy social life and because I’m an extrovert myself It doesn’t relate to everyone

    – talking regularly to my friends and texting them when I have the though of or in special occasions

    – creating or participating in activities with them (hanging out seing each other at home or just online things like playing video games or phone calling them

    – doing activities outside your house (sport, musical lessons, painting group …) with maybe people you don’t know yet and learning stuff while making friends (I feel tired and I have zero motivation rock climbing without my 2 friends because your success is shared to the group and you can laugh together at your mistakes…)

    – don’t forget your family too (except the ones you really hate or if they harmed you) they can support you when you’re at your lowest you can talk to them because they know you well since the beginning (I love my 21yo brother and my 17yo cousin primarily but I also play daily moves chess matchs with my other 8yo cousin…)

    – relationship are incredible if you found the one (yes I say that because my BF is coming today and I’m extremely excited) you can cuddle watching Movie or TV shows together it’s absolutely awesome BUT this is not mandatory for an healthy social life because you shouldn’t seeking for them most of the time they come from socialising with peoples around you (but to stop being a friend you’ll need a little flirt obviously) don’t loose patience you’ll always end up finding the one at some point

    I think it might be it sorry for my awfull grammar mistakes I’m not a native speaker thanks for everyone reading this Have a nice day ✨

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