I (22m) have been thinking about my ex girlfriend quite a bit recently. It’s even been keeping me up most nights. Our relationship was perfect in the beginning, it was my first relationship and we were both head over heels for each other. With that being said, we moved in together within the first month of dating.

At the time I was working a job where I could spend quite a bit of time with her, we would occasionally fight but we always pulled through. We had many similarities and we even considered each other soulmates.

About 4 months into the relationship, I got a new job that would require much more effort and time, 60 hour weeks with one day off. The money and benefits were too good to pass up. It was a tough change for us but for the most part we made it work.

I fell so hard for this girl, I often didn’t realize how much I neglected my friends and family for her. Which ended up making them feel unsure about her, on top of her never meeting half of them. We did everything together, and made many memories that I can’t stop thinking about.

We broke up in November of last year, she told me she lost feelings, which I blamed on my job. I did what I thought was right and went no contact with her. This lasted about two months until she came back apologizing for everything, for if she was ever controlling, or for getting mad for no reason, or never letting me play video games (my main hobby).

I ended up taking her back and things seemed great, we weren’t living together anymore so we had the space that we were missing before. It was right around Valentine’s Day, and we actually took a trip for it and had a great time.

This time around we only lasted 1-2 weeks, she said that she thought she wanted to be with me but she doesn’t think it’ll work out and that it’d probably be best for me to move on. I then told her that in order for me to heal i need to block her on all social media, so that’s what I did.

About a month later a random phone number texted me, which I assumed to be her, she said “I know we don’t talk anymore but I got myself a new car today” to which I opened but didn’t respond right away. About an hour later I go to respond and see that she blocked my number.

Since then things have mainly been quiet, she ran into one of my family members about a month ago and asked how I was doing and that she still cares about me. I can’t lie and say I haven’t wanted to talk to her.

I feel like a relationship between the two of us could work better now. I’m only working 35-40 hours a week now, and I just moved into my first apartment 2 weeks ago. Is it worth it to unblock her?

  1. > I’m only working 35-40 hours a week now, and I just moved into my first apartment 2 weeks ago. Is it worth it to unblock her?

    Yes, as your life has changed considerably in favour of being more available to her.

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