what evidence is there that God exists?

  1. To my knowledge, most of it is anecdotal and I’m not aware of any that is verifiable. I’ve still yet to encounter even an argument for a god that I found convincing.

  2. Idk… but I believe some things from the Bible can be verified (at least in theory) from radiocarbon dating. Make of that what you will – I know it’s different than direct evidence of God.

  3. God likes to make people suffer so he must be real considering all the shit happening around the world, right?

  4. Just look at the mirror and notice how well crafted you are and if that didn’t convince you
    Stop asking this Q

  5. St Anselms argument:

    God exists in the understanding but not in reality. (Assumption for reductio)

    Existence in reality is greater than existence in the understanding alone. (Premise)

    A being having all of God’s properties plus existence in reality can be conceived. (Premise)

    A being having all of God’s properties plus existence in reality is greater than God. (From (1) and (2).)

    A being greater than God can be conceived. (From (3) and (4).)

    It is false that a being greater than God can be conceived. (From definition of “God”.)

    Hence, it is false that God exists in the understanding but not in reality. (From (1), (5), (6).)

    God exists in the understanding. (Premise, to which even the Fool agrees.)

    Hence God exists in reality. (From (7), (8).)

  6. The sense of humor needed to have the politicians and world events as we do isn’t possible on the mortal realm.

  7. If you saw a picture of me next to my girl you might think there is a god and that I am a devout christian

  8. None, and that’s the point, right? Keep you under their thumb by making promises and claims they don’t have to prove. The perfect scam.

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