What’s your favorite painting?

  1. [“Hell of a Time” -Irving Norman](http://politicalartwork.blogspot.com/2006/12/presenting-painter-irving-norman-part.html?m=1)

    Edit to add: What I like about this painting is these souls have to spend the rest of eternity based on their vices. Some of them have the facial expression of one who is tired of having to be the way they once were; they are over their vices, they just want to rest. You have to look closely and you’ll spot the womanizer, the drunkard, the promiscuous, the gambler, etc. I could stare at it and find new details every single time.

  2. I really need to find one! There’s many I like, Wedding Flowers by Chagall, La rue de bois by Picasso, Tiger in a Storm by Russeau but can’t say favorite. Do murals and frescoes count? Because I really like Rapahel too

  3. Anything by Degas. I love them all.

    I also recall decades ago seeing a painting that I was just drawn to. From a distance it appeared to be a watercolour in a gorgeous teal/green/deep blue. Like a big splat on the canvas. The border was an oval of intricately painted white and yellow flowers. Then I got up close … real close … still beautiful. I looked at the card and noted the materials. Canvas, acrylics, urine.

  4. Georgia O’Keeffe, Grey Lines with Black, Blue and Yellow

    (Not really but it’s the first one that came to mind)

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