Or do you honestly just not like being cared for that way in eating, health, advice, etc.

Mom-zone: when she’s starting to act/feel like a mom

  1. WTF are you talking about?

    You talking about a GF that treats you in a motherly way like you’re a big kid? In a joking sense, it’s cute – in a more serious way, I don’t need a second mom. One is plenty.

    With regard to somebody caring for how you eat, your health, giving advice, etc., I don’t see this as “mom-zone” as much as respectful and equal-partner-in-life-zone.

  2. I always draw the line at when they start trying to talk for you/fix problems you have

  3. If you feel like the power dynamic is shifting and you can’t speak up because she reminds you of your mom, you got to say something. And you gotta say it sooner rather than later because it’s just going to create a wedge between you two.

    somethings clearly going on in the relationship, she’s not aware of it, you are, so it’s up to you to say something, otherwise you have to slowly watch the relationship deteriorate, as she remains unaware.

  4. I get what you mean but your wording makes it hard to understand.

    A partner becomes too overcaring, micromanaging and overprotective etc. when they want to override basic day to day stuff Im used to do in all of 23 years of my life. Im my own person first a boyfirend second.

  5. There isn’t like a hard line. But my fiance is pretty bad about treating me like I’m a kid. Like the way she will always tell me not to break stuff. Or like be careful with that. Or the other day she said something like why would I have you clean the bathroom I’ll just have to redo it. And she has said the same thing while taking about stuff with kids.

    The most annoying for me was we put our money together. To all go into her checking account. It was easier for alot of reason. But to get money for anything I had to ask her. And it was like I was asking mom for money.

    I don’t think it’s a conscious. This guy is a child I’m going to treat him like it. She is just nurturing. So it comes with alot of good sides like being really caring and comforting. So you have to take the good with the bad.

  6. It’s all in the delivery. My wife reminds me of things I haven’t gotten around to yet. And usually she’s right to remind me: I’m the king of procrastination. She does not nag, just gives a friendly reminder. I’m fine with that.

    Now I may be biased because I love her. My kids appreciate these friendly reminders significantly less.

  7. I mean if some of my friends don’t hassle me to eat I probably wouldn’t, so it takes a lot for me to start thinking you are overbearing

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