18m. So, by this point in life I’ve had maybe 3 relationships. Every single one of them has ended with me being dumped, and they all said that I lacked social skills, empathy, guilt and general feelings of sadness and love. I asked my only friend, at the time, if these things were true and she said that to pretty much everyone except her, I’m unlikeable and appear to be incapable of human connection.
For most of my life I’ve only really had one friend. I’ve never been the cool kid. In high school, I spent my lunches in the Music practice rooms, alone. I’ve never really liked being around people, always hated working in groups. But it was almost a shocker to hear that people actually didn’t like me. In my last 2 years of high school, I was completely cut off from my year. Socially excluded is the best way to describe it. The only people I spoke to on a daily basis where the music teachers, specifically one who seemed to look past all my negative traits and only saw the good. Last time I spoke to her was 3 months ago, and I haven’t said anything more than “thanks” or “You’re welcome” to someone since then.

How can I change so people might actually like me a wee bit more than before?

  1. I’d start by going back to your friend an exes for some feedback. You cannot fix anything if you don’t know what it is, so finding out why they’d say you’re unlikeable is a good start.

    From there, you can work on what is needed.

  2. >I’ve never really liked being around people, always hated working in groups.


  3. If you are serious about this, get into therapy.

    Read up on good manners.

    Read Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.

    Volunteer with Special Olympics.

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