What is something that your dad/father figure really enjoyed that you could never get into (or just sucked at)?

  1. Repairing things. He always figures a way out but I just stand annoyed and bored next to him and do nothing 🙁

  2. Sports. My dad was your cliché varsity quarterback and took his team to state. Played baseball, golf, and was the all around ladies man at his high school. He was *that* guy. When I was born he was determined to coach and teach me and train me to be the same.


    Instead, I’m the book and theater nerd. I played a few sports and certainly showed some talent, especially in basketball and swim team, but I just didn’t have the drive for it. It was more obligatory than enjoyable for me. Instead I joined debate team, I would read a book a week (still read a lot but not that much), became a thespian in the school’s theater, played in a dozen plays, and I didn’t really date until the end of high school. Even then, I was more of a relationship guy, I didn’t want flings and if I was seeing someone I wanted something serious.

    My dad did his best, but he couldn’t really hide his disappointment.

  3. My dad loves mountain biking. I tried it with him and found it more stressful and exhausting than fun. The uphill sections are brutal, the downhills are short and so narrow and hazardous that I don’t feel like I’m enjoying them.

  4. my dad is the maintenance supervisor for a food processing plant that i work at. (he worked at a different facility before he transferred here but a couple years after i started here) he’s always trying to get me to get into maintenance but i hate working on cars (besides the basic things like changing oil, brake pads, etc.) let alone working on other machines that i have no clue on how they work. he likes doing what he does just not the long hours.

  5. Working 12-16 hour days 6 days/week. I just never could get into that

  6. Golf. Every other sport I’ve attempted I became really good at very quickly. Golf is the work of Satan. My dad, many members of my family and a wide circle of friends/acquaintances all played religiously when I was younger – and I tried so many times (always feeling that I was letting my dad down by being so poor at it) but hated it with a passion. I was the guy who broke clubs, sliced balls into housing estates and roads, drove over and over again into water hazards and then stomped off up the fairway to the clubhouse in angry resignation. I fuckin hate Golf!!! Arrrggghhh!

  7. Battleships. I swear every dad likes something to do with tanks, planes etc

  8. Bird watching. And yes, that’s actually a thing. Or at least it was once.

    Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against birds or nature. I like camping and hiking, and I like seeing wildlife out in the wild. I’ll even take notice when a rare bird (or other form of critter) happens to appear, but my old man takes it way past a casual interest. He likes to find a good spot to see this bird or that bird, and he’ll wait for hours and hours for one of them to show up so he can photograph it. He likes to find hiding spots, because I guess some birds are really shy, and just sits there silently.

    And it’s not just my dad, he has bird-watching buddies that get all excited when he shows off his photos. He used to invite me to come along with him, saying stuff like “Hey bud, want me to wake you up at 4AM? I’m heading out to look for a blue-breasted hammer-tail woodpecker, and I can’t wait to get one with my new high-frequency zoom lens! It’s gonna be great!” and I would politely decline.

  9. Cooking, its not like I can’t cook but I’ve never had food as good as my old man’s. I dunno how he does it cause he just makes shit up as he goes.

  10. Carpentry. He could build everything. No YouTube to help either. He turned our car port into a whole new room.

  11. Living in a relationship with someone your not compatible at all. I love both my parents but holy damn they could’ve missed decades of drama and live happy lives…

  12. Feeding birds and squirrels.

    I went into gardening instead.

    Our interests conflicted.

  13. Smoking and handiwork.

    The former because smoking is both an unhealthy and costly habit.

    The latter because Im not much of a manual kind of guy. I’m the work smarter, not harder kind of guy.

  14. Fishing. He loved it, but I hated it. As I got older I realized that I was a bit of a selfish brat, and I wish that I had been able to bring myself to try more of the things he liked to do. We were always very different, but he was a great guy and I miss him every day.

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