Okay, a bit shy asking strangers for advice but here we go cause I’m an over thinker 😅

I met this guy in Vegas last September, he came up to me, we partied hung out that weekend and hooked up. We live 2 hrs away from each other in our home cities & I remember him saying “yeah that’s the only thing that sucks, you’re too far”. When he left, we texted each other saying it was nice meeting each other and he said if I ever came to his city to hit him up. Maybe he was being nice but over all I liked him, he’s fun & he also gave me the vibe he’s just trying to live the single life. He’s a doctor in his early 30s. We never texted again but we followed each other on Instagram. He replied to a story once a month after that.

Month later, I met this guy in my city and started seriously dating him. Long story short, he went on my Instagram one day w/o me knowing and completely took off guys that made him jealous (weird I know). The doctor was one of them. I ended up breaking up with this guy. And I’m single.

It’s been months since I met the doctor but I’ve been thinking about him. Not necessarily relationship but would like to hang out with him again (Also BDE). How do you reconnect w someone you hooked up once almost a year ago? And maybe he already noticed I took him off ig?

Should I try following him on IG first? Or trying hitting him up when I’m in his city? Like, “hey I’m in __, what are you up to?”
😅 I don’t wanna come across creepy or desperate. Help :p

1 comment
  1. Always blame IG, IG did go around unfollowing people randomly for a bit. Follow him back and just slide in the dms “I didn’t even notice but I guess IG unfollowed us” CAUSE ITS ACTUALLY A THING. As dumb as it may sound. Then just hit him with a cool little “you been good?” If he’s really with it he’ll reply for sure. Or just take the drive and tell him you’ll be around and if he wants to chill?

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