I am m/36 and my son is 17 and we are great friends. I never had any issue with him growing up.
He just started dating a girl from our neighborhood and it seems like he has completely ditched me for this girl. He is totally consumed by her. I can hear him on the phone to her every night and he is often over at her house which leaves no time for me at all. We used to do everything together. We were great buddies but since this girl came along he makes no time for me at all. I know it’s totally normal for him to be like this but I’m extremely jealous that he is spending all this time with her and he is leaving me all behind. Can anyone change my mindset.

  1. Get a life. You are an adult parent. Have your own friends and you shouldn’t be so focused and jealous of your son living a normal kid’s life. An adult parent shouldn’t be so dependent on their own kid. Make your own schedule, have your own friends, and act like an independent adult.

  2. Be happy in the fact that your son is engaging in young love. He will learn from it and grow regardless of the outcome and you will be happy to still be there for him as his buddy and his father. Start doing things you always wanted to do that he wasn’t into.

  3. Get busy with other things. Your son is not responsible for entertaining you. Let him enjoy his relationship with his girlfriend.

  4. That’s just normal behaviour.
    He’s your son and it’s not his duty to spend all his time with you. He’s growing up.

    The more you try to fight that, the more you’re driving him away from you. My MIL really hated that my husband spent time with me, which resulted in her kicking him out.
    He hasn’t had any contact in years due to past abuse and doesn’t want to see her ever again.

    Find interesting things to fill your time with. Enjoy hobbies and more free time now he’s growing up.

  5. I mean you do understand he’s in the single most horny part of his life…? Ofcourse 99.9999% of his time will be spent with or thinking about a girl.
    Its natural with time she will become your friend as well and you guys will start doing stuff together just don’t push it and hope she’s a good partner and so is your son as relationships at 17 rarely last

  6. Going by your comments I think you are taking the whole thing way to personal. He’s being an adult and that means his life no longer revolves are you. It’s hard when our kids grow up and need us less but it doesn’t mean they have forgotten about us,it means they are developing their own lives and becoming their own person. Isn’t that the goal of being a parent? To get our kids ready to be their own human being with their own life?

    It was hard for me to stop seeing my son as my baby boy but once I got over it our relationship moved to a new and different level and it’s been rewarding to see him become a wonderful man. One thing that helped me was getting my own life that doesn’t completely revolve around him.

    Stop letting yourself tell you you’ve been forgotten,you haven’t.

  7. Welcome to adolescence! Usually it’s the dads (based on the stories here) that blow off the kids when they get a new girlfriend. Be happy your son is growing up. Hopefully, you taught him emotional intelligence and social skills to appropriately interact with others especially those of the opposite sex. Now you get to see how he’s flourished. Also sometimes 3’s a company. Invite them to hangout with you sometimes.

  8. He’s a teenager in his (from what you said) first girlfriend.

    Leave him to it, so long as nobody gets hurt or pregnant – let him make his own mistakes and successes without his mum on his shoulder.

    He’ll come back to you a man

  9. Remember yourself at his age. You were a father at 19. I’m sure you were spending all your time then with your son’s mum.

    Grow up and let him enjoy his teens.

  10. This always happens eventually. I think it’s amazing that you want to spend so much time with your son. Such a think is very rare and I promise you that bond will last forever.

    He’s almost a man now, he’s flying from the nest. Its time for him to go and explore what the world has to offer by himself, he will always come back to you though. You’re his dad.

  11. I’m in a 4 years relationship with a guy that’s mom is kinda like you. Her reactions to our relationship caused more of a wedge in their relationship then anything. So my best advice is do not emotionally react and do not talk bad about his girlfriend

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