I don’t know who to believe, people are saying that dating is terrible in this age, and stats show that more people are single and lonely than ever in history. I’m 21 and haven’t had sex or been in a relationship, and it’s like less women talk to me each year. Every time I want to make an effort I just remember how other men struggle with dating, and then I just don’t try.

  1. Those other men are other men, none of them are YOU. You’ve got to at least try, you might have a fuckton better go at it than those other men, you won’t know until you try. Comparing your dating experience with men who might be a fuckton worse off than you isn’t going to help you at all, you gotta go out there and get your own experience before giving up the way it sounds like you’re about to!

  2. Stop trying, be your normal self, and go be social. Girls aren’t going to come to you and they are more inclined to stay around someone who isn’t faking it to get laid.

  3. Hit the gym, go out and socialize. You just need confidence and self awareness of the level of women you can get. Start talking to those you don’t find too attractive for practice, you will start feeling more comfortable around women.

  4. Never have getting laid as a goal. This is fucking teenager retardation.

    Sex comes naturally with a relationship and is not supposed to be the goal. People who have getting laid as their goal treat it as a commodity like a fucking psychopath.

  5. Stop caring about the opinion of others, especially women. Don’t put women on a pedestal and don’t chase them. If you do this you will be different than most men they meet and they might actually be interested in finding out how/why you are different than the average “loser” who approaches them every day.

  6. Busy yourself with enjoying life and bettering yourself. Then once you’ve become caught up in enjoying your own life so much that you’ve forgotten about dating, look around at all the awesome people you’ve met. One of them is someone you should date and they will want to date you.

  7. My brother in Christ, my advice is to make friends with more women. Even if no romantic feelings pop up with those friends, if you are a stand-up guy who takes care of himself, maybe ask one of them to play matchmaker. It’s worthy of note that I have struggled to follow my own advice, so take it with a grain of salt lmao.

  8. Just laid or a girlfriend?

    You find those in different places. Go on Tinder for one-nighters, make female friends through shared interests for a girlfriend.

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