Me and my boyfriend have always been best friends and just generally super interested in talking all day on the phone and hanging out together when we can. Recently I’ve gotten a full time job whereas he has more free time than ever, and he’s gotten closer to his three hometown childhood friends (2 boys, 1 girl). Now they are on group calls all the time, whereas before I would be in those calls with our mutual friends. It just makes me a little bit sad cus I loved sleeping on the phone with him but I don’t want to bore him when his friends are obviously providing more entertainment right now. I’m feeling a bit left out but I really don’t want to come across as possessive or clingy even though I am feeling it lol . They’re also planning a trip together which I won’t be able to go on for reasons so I don’t wanna stop him from going on holiday. I trust that he doesn’t like the girl (they had feelings for eachother years ago but it never went anywhere and now we suspect another one of the guys likes her) but I do still feel a bit jealous.

TLDR: just feeling a bit pathetic mopey and left out that I’m not exciting my boyfriend as much as his friends even though he has reassured me he loves me – not sure how to proceed

  1. In regards to the other commenter’s fears if he has said that he will exclusively date you and he is a trustworthy person I would not be concerned.

    Addressing your main points is there a reason why you can’t join in on their group calls after your job is done for the day? Since they are mutual friends this doesn’t seem like it should be a problem.

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