Are you a fan of any foreign sports team? How did you adopt them as your own?

  1. Chelsea fan here. Went to a match they played here in the states about a decade ago and basically became a fan because they were the first major club I had a chance to see play in person. I got into soccer by playing FIFA.

    Big F1 fan and I support Red Bull and Aston Martin (mainly because of Seb Vettel) I also originally got into F1 by playing the video game series

  2. One of the guys in my dorm played for the Frankfurt Galaxy but that was as close as I got.

  3. I follow Tottenham. Joe Lewis and Tavistock made a huge development in my local area. Lake Nona is what it is today because of him. Lots of higher paying jobs brought to the area and lots more still in the works. It was a simple choice really, it felt like a hometown team. And I’ve watched them long before we even had our own local soccer team

  4. Wolverhampton.

    When we were planning on visiting England we decided to take in a soccer game. My wife chose the team based on some internet personality she liked (Wimbledon), but the more I researched the less impressed with the team I was, so I elected to go rogue and pick a different one to support. (We still ended up going to see Wimbledon, they lost, but it was still great fun).

    Loosely following some arbitrary rules for picking a sports team made up by a local morning radio show, I ended up choosing the team out of the city my dad’s family emigrated from – Wolverhampton. Been a fan ever since and have been enjoying learning soccer.

    E: Actually, wearing my Wolves away shirt right now.

  5. Fan? Eh. But I will follow Argentina in World Cup. The missus’ parents are from there and she lived there in her teen years.

  6. Tottenham Hotspur because of my buddy from the UK. And Red Bull F1 team if that counts.

  7. Always Argentina in the world cup.

    Look at that flag, it’s a masterpiece. 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷

  8. I am a big Real Madrid fan because I used to live a 15-minute walk away from the Santiago Bernabeau. Going to matches there was amazing. The US has pretty decent fan atmospheres but they can’t touch the electricity and passion you feel at European soccer matches. I went to a match with a few American friends who were absolutely mesmerized by the atmosphere, despite previously dissing soccer all the time. They are fans now too.

    Here in Korea, I support FC Seoul and the Kiwoom Heroes baseball team. Korean baseball games are also really fun, way better atmosphere than MLB games imho.

    I’m also an Irish citizen too and I’ll support their national teams in every match except if they play the US, in which case I’d want them to get blown out of the water haha.

  9. My dad and brother are full on Villans. I think it is because Aston Villa has/had some relationship with the owner of a team in Cleveland. At Christmas, they ask for enough gear to make a full kit.

  10. When the Covid lockdowns hit in 2020 and the baseball season was canceled, I started following the Korean baseball league. They were able to play their full season with no fans. I chose the NC Dinos as my team because one of my favorite players, Eric Thames, had played for them. Then they won the Korean championship that year. Great fun.

  11. Ferrari in F1 because they had red cars and that’s my favorite color. SPFC in Brazil through my partner.

  12. The Xoloitzcuintles de Caliente (AKA the Xolos) soccer team from Tijuana, Mexico is pretty big here because we are only about 20 minutes from the US/Mexico border. If you want to watch a live soccer game, it is way easier to go to a Xolos game than a game in Los Angeles.

  13. The Nippon Ham Fighters J League baseball team. I enjoyed the time I lived in Sapporo and the sheer absurdity of the team’s name is glorious.

  14. In May 2020, we didn’t have MLB back yet but the KBO was starting up so I adopted the NC Dinos as “my team” for a few days. I wouldn’t consider myself a fan though because I haven’t been following them since

  15. I like the New Zealand All Blacks. The Haka is cool. And I generally like rugby more than American football.

  16. No team but i was a big fan of Chrissie Wellington back in the day. She was a humanitarian qorker that just got into triathlon. Competed inand won her first ironman race in 2007 and that year won the world chamionships. She would go on to win every single IM race she started. An overall excellent human being

  17. As a way to dip into german culture a bit when I was taking a language class, our teacher assigned everyone their own Bundesliga team to follow.

    I am now a big Borussia Dortmund fan.

    Don’t even particularly love soccer but im ride or die for them.

    Thanks Frau Collins for assigning me one of the best teams lol

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