What am I doing wrong? Am I autistic or someth? Why do you think this is?

These are very sociable people, working in good companies or have successful education/businesses.
I don’t work in a mediocre place either and have climbed the ladder.

This has been bothering me for a number of years.

I am involved and responsive about what they say. They are people I look up to and text me just fine; even start conversations and continuously reply until i don’t.

What can I do to change this?

An example of today: Phone calls lasted about 5min, 3min, and 15min.

Does no one want to talk to me? Please help?

  1. There’s a lot of information missing. How do they end the call? Maybe they are busy? Etc

  2. IS IT POSSIBLE THEY HAVE TO ACTUALLY GO? And do chores? Take a crap? Watch tv? Live their own lives? It’s also possible that you’re dull! I think you should reframe this is “wow, I spoke with a friend 1:1 for five minutes today :)”

  3. How long are you expecting phone calls should last? Honestly people would rather texts now a days, I find it hard to speak on the phone more then 30 mins with someone. Mind you I have a 3 year old. It’s probably not you, generally those are normal conversations, depending on the reason for the call. I think you’re taking it to personally, unless there’s more going on. I would just believe they have to go and have other things going on.

  4. What does workplace have to do with how long your phone convos last with friends . Failing to see the correlation here . Also not to be rude but it’s 2022 . Unless you’re catching up with a childhood friend or getting to know a female , phone calls dont go past 30 minutes tops

  5. The average phone call is around 5.97 minutes. You also never said what you are talking about in the calls, and if they work in good companies, maybe they just can’t call that long. I wouldn’t say it’s because you’re autistic but there is some things missing for us to tell.

  6. Sakshi is this you? I’m sorry I prefer texting over a phone call.

  7. I love my friends, but I don’t stay on a call with them unless they’re saying something important. Frankly, I like my time alone and I don’t want to just sit and talk with someone unless I’ve put time aside for that because it cuts into my me time. I don’t think that they don’t want to talk to you. I think that you are calling them during their down time. Try setting a time to talk.

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