What do you have a love/hate relationship with?

  1. Cinnabon, timbits and Krispy Kreme.

    Fucking love them. Fucking hate the way they make me look.

  2. Mathematics. I’m currently struggling once again with it. But no matter what, I always come back to this bitch.

  3. Tapas.

    They’re great. Delicious, build you own meal type small plates, made for drinking with. But then you go with a group of people, and they have no consistency as to how many of the item comes with each plate! 2 stuffed peppers, 3 spare ribs, 5 cheese fritters… It’s impossible to split things evenly for eating, and god forbid you’re trying to split a check…

  4. Mathematics. I love working with numbers and figuring out solutions, but I struggle with it so much lol

  5. Home Improvement projects.

    I feel like I have to make a blood sacrifice to the ghost of Bob Vila just to avoid making 10 trips to the hardware store and going waaay over budget.

  6. Ultimate frisbee in my area.

    I love playing, but my local rec league is like stepping back into high school. There’s an in-crowd that runs the league, if you’re not right with them you get drafted to shitty teams and get stomped in games.

  7. Children. They can be walking miracles that bring a smile to everyones face, or they could be little demons that make you want to rip your hair out LOL.

  8. When the weekend is here, yay no work. But it’s a reminder that a whole week has passed by and Im quickly marching forward to being older and older.

  9. work. somedays you can have a fucking great day but then you have other days when some dickhead makes your day miserable.

  10. Current gf.

    Kinda leaning more towards hate though but thats what happens when you date a manipulative narcissist.

  11. League of Legends.

    Although “love/hate” isn’t quite accurate; a more precise description would be “bondage”.

  12. Employment! – love the money but, hate the ridiculous demands of top management!

    Sorry, Mr. MBA Manager if 5 people can build a wall in 10 days then, 10 people will not finish it in 2 days! There is science and logic to the work we do! The software won’t be in production before the rollout date if the testing is not scheduled by QA team!! Yada yada

  13. Food. Love food. Prepping it is fun, cooking is amazing. Even when I mess up it still tastes good. Always want to be eating it. Hate it. Never feel full. So damn hard to stop eating. Got out of hand for way too long. Losing weight is a struggle and getting healthy seems impossible. Still trying though.

  14. Reddit. Too much negativity on here these days.

    Gaming. I work 8 hours a day, I don’t have time to “grind” or “learn the meta” these days. I’ll concede that my group got back into the Fortnite no build lately and it’s been a lot of fun.

  15. The gym.

    I say some pretty nasty shit to myself before a lift. Especially now that I’m going through a pretty painful break up. I hate myself when I go in there because I sometimes believe what I’m saying…

    But the feeling afterwards is like being reborn.

  16. My mother. I love her because she my mom and took care of me and my siblings. But she’s a narcissist. She has always picked at me for my weight. Always so negative. Mentally messed with me my whole life. Let me live with my drug addict/alcoholic dad for a whole summer just so she didn’t have to “deal with me”. As an adult now I see how messed up it all was and how much I hate her. I’m still wanting her approval for everything even when she has negative comments about a simple outfit I bought that I think looks wonderful on me. I have always been bigger and she calls my belly my “spare tire”. She has said this to other in public and even doctors. I love and hate my mom.

  17. Cannabis. Was a heavy stoner for 10 years from 17 years old. 90 experiment with sobriety was the best decision I ever made, suddenly became best friends with loads of acquaintances in my social life.

    I’m such a fiend for it that if I ever have just a toke, it will snowball into me becoming a full time stoner recluse again.

    I got the ‘rona in December and thought “gotta isolate in my bedroom and not see anyone for a week? Looks like a job for weed!” and I’m glad I did, it made that week more bearable. And it only took 3 months of being a recluse to get round to quitting it again…

    I wish I could just have it some times and leave it other times, but I know now that I can’t.

    Being a stoner makes my life easier, not being a stoner makes it more fun. Every once in a while I need to make it easier.

    But yeah, that’s my love/hate relationship.

  18. People lmao. I have a genuine love and need for connection but holy moly some of y’all are annoying

  19. Girls, I love them so much ! What a girl/woman can bring you your life is an amazing thing, but at the same time they hurt me in the past and I suffered so much frustration chasing them that I need to stay away from them for a little bit. I’m only 22 so I still have time especially if I focus on myself and becoming the best version of myself.

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