I had a really great date last night with this guy I met on bumble recently. We laughed all night and shared a lot in common. He even leaned to give me a few quick pecks on the lips a couple of times. After the date he messaged me on bumble telling me he enjoyed my company and that I looked great. He proceeded to give me his number and told me to text him if I’d like. So this morning I texted him letting him know I had a great time and mentioned that I hope we can hang out again soon in which he replied “maybe this weekend – depends :)” I didn’t really know what to say as most guys I’ve dated before usually give me a day they’re available and we make plans immediately after so I just told him to let me know and left it at that. Is he interested or am I just wasting my time?

  1. of course he’s interested, dummy

    stay in touch. He said maybe this weekend, so wait till he says anything about a confirmed day and time.

    If he doesn’t say anything, then you can message a few days later. If he’s not receptive, then you can start to assume he’s not interested

  2. I think he almost certainly likes you. That comment could mean anything. Ask him.

  3. Oh I know this guy, my tell tale sign of avoidant attachment personality types. He’s interested but doesn’t want to come off too eager but also has the option to book your time last minute. Tread carefully, but he might just be trying to be playful. My follow up to those is always “what’s it depend on?” Or “okay let me know soon I had my friend ask me to possibly go (insert activity here) and if she responses before you do I’ll have to pick her and you’ll lose a chance to see me ;)”

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