where can I (m) find advice/information on supporting my partner during miscarriage?

  1. I generally start with a google search. Usually not to difficult to identify legitimate healthcare – psychological advice after you do a basic search. Your doctor should also have information.

  2. Reach out to their doctor as they will know best. Especially if tests need to be done to see why there was a miscarriage.

  3. Biggest support would probably be to listen to her, console her, and let her know how you’re feeling about the loss as well. Even though you weren’t carrying the baby, you can feel loss too. Just be there for each other during this difficult time and be willing to share your hurt and sadness so she knows she’s not alone.

  4. Firstly, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss – I hope you are doing okay and don’t forget to look after yourself too.

    In terms of supporting your partner, there is lots of advice online, maybe post in Daddit for some more personal advice?

  5. You cannot find that anywhere. Just be there, even without words. Just be close to them.

  6. whatsyourgrief.com has great resources including supporting people through losses from miscarriage. Kudos to you for doing research and trying to be the best partner you can be.

  7. my best advice is don’t be the rock. you’ve been hurt too, and she needs you with her in that pain as much as she needs anything else.

  8. Therapist, go find a therapist who specializes in this. Reddit is probably not the best place for this one unless they have also had a miscarriage.

  9. As a woman who has experienced miscarriage, my husband was absolutely my rock. I think it’s wonderful you’re reaching out to see how you can help.

    My second miscarriage was medicated, so I knew exactly when it would start. That morning I went to the pharmacy, picked up the prescriptions and met my husband at home. He had made up the bed, and taken the day off work. He stayed by my side, brought me dark towels in the shower when I needed, made sure I ate and drank, held my hand and rubbed my back when the pain was too bad. He let me cry and held me while we watched TV and he tried to tell me jokes to keep my mind off what I was experiencing (YMMV here). He somehow knew exactly what I needed him to do, and that came down to really just supporting me.

    On what was the worst day of my life, I fell in love with my husband even more than I knew possible.

    I’m so sorry for your loss, there isn’t really anything that can be said that will take the pain away, and I can tell you from experience that it’s different every time, even for the same person. Love each other and you both will get through this.

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