Can I just be blunt with approaching? Im not trying to waste time or do anything extra.

“Hi, my name is. I want to get to know you (dinner)

Straight to the point. That way, I can get rejected faster and I keep it moving faster (Im just being realistic)

Also, should I take a break after too much rejection? Or just keep pushing?💀

  1. 38 F. If you two hit off, right off the bat, go for it. I personally like when a guy does that 🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. I would argue that lower effort = lower success rate and so cumulatively it’s more effort.

    From a female perspective, such a strong blunt approach would really put me off (especially if you were a stranger). As a female, I first have to work out if you’re ‘safe’ aka not a creep, asshole or worse and so I would be saying no to that approach because I hadn’t ‘risk assessed’ you.

    With spiking and sexual assault a high risk – many women including myself are naturally weary of men and so a chance to get a ‘vibe’ is important. (It’s obviously not fool proof, charmers can still be bad people it’s just something to consider) when you’re playing your “game”.

  3. That kind of approach will not win you any points. What you are basically saying to her is that you feel she is an object for acquisition, not a human being.

    I never ever asked a woman out after less than 5 minutes of banter.

    Jesus dude.

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