What would you do (if anything) if you overheard someone making fun of your partner?

  1. GET MY (insert girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband)’s NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH

  2. Depends. I’m a firm believer in letting my girlfriend fight her own battles. But there were times where a look was exchanged and allegedly things happened. All I know, my alibi was rock solid 🙂

  3. I’d see hoe my partner reacts. If they aren’t happy, I’d call that person out for being an insensitive jackass, and let them deal with the judgement that comes after.

    Edit: I might also talk with the staff and see if they can be removed. They can have their little comment, but they can also face consequences if they’re going to make themselves a problem.

  4. It depends on the situation if we’re all joking around its all fun and games, if it’s ment to be mean or nasty then that person is welcome to leave.

  5. Depends on the context and if its joking vs being serious.

    Lotta my friends, their SOs and the people we have around always rib each other. That doesn’t cause any sort of issue like 95% of the time, but sometimes theres a line, and its corrected.

    Generally look for the reaction from the partner to see if they are uncomfortable.

    Random dude on the street? Call him out, likely not get violent. If he continues or gets mouthy…then handle it in the way men usually do.

  6. Just say what the fuck is wrong with you people, shake my head, and walk away.

  7. It has never happened but its inexcusable. Depending on who the person is I may confront them or ignore them, it depends if they are worth the time.

  8. Tell them off.

    My wife’s sister started talking crap about her when she left the room once when we were visiting. Tried the “you’re such a good man and my sister is such a handful” shit. It really pissed me off and I’m not confrontational at all. I told her she was wrong, didn’t know what she was talking about and that her sister is amazing and we compliment each other really well and that we’re happy and her opinion doesn’t matter.

    I told my wife later after we left. She was really hurt/upset but sort of got over it. She wanted to see her nephews still. We don’t see any of them anymore though. Her sister is too toxic. Cheating, lying manipulative narcissist that physically fights her (ex)husband… I’d been telling her for years she was trouble. Finally the truth came out.

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