How did you find it, did you meet anyone you wanted to speak to again afterwards?

They hold them in a bar in town mid week but I don’t know how popular this is, I would be a bit disappointed if there was only 4 or 5 of us there and all women 😆

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  2. Yes, and I would encourage it. You get to meet people face to face and the short time is enough to know if you would like a date.

  3. Well if it sucks in slow motion, maybe it will be better faster! Kind of like ripping off the bandaid rather than pulling it off slowly…

  4. The few I’ve been to were overwhelmingly women attending with very few men there. I think it’s worth a shot if it’s free but don’t pay for a pricey ticket.

  5. I tried 2 times at the Arcade and one times at MegaCon Orlando (Geek Speed Dating).

    the Arcade = 4 minutes per person.

    Geek Speed Dating = 2 minutes per person.

    Arcade = usually 20 men and 10 women (locals only)

    Geek Speed Dating = 30 men and 29 women (not all locals)

    Not many people are trying to use it. It is very okay.

  6. M. I’ve been twice. It’s very hit or miss on who shows up but typically they aim for 50/50 on the sexes. The small talk is nice for practice. Interesting how easy it is with some people vs others.

  7. I did it in my 20’s and it could have been fun but I was sooooooo sick and my friend wouldn’t let me bail.

    I did two online video speed dating events last summer, one was great, cool guys got a few matches, went on 4 dates with a guy I met. The other one was horrible! 2 women and 7 guys, these guys were awful! One told me he was married but couldn’t get his wife into the country yet, another guy yelled at me and accused me of finding him ugly, and wanted my phone number anyway so we could go out as friends and then told me he worked part time as a receptionist because he was going to inherit his grandfathers fur coat business in the next few years, and then yelled at me about how fur is really a better choice for the environment than synthetics…

  8. My cousin went speed-dating one time a few years ago. She met a bunch of guys. There was one guy she kind of hit it off with and they agreed to exchange contact info. She thought the speed-dating was weird and also wasn’t totallyyyy sure how she felt about the guy, but decided to give it another shot because he seemed nice. They went out on a real date the next week.

    And… they’re getting married this weekend. It does work sometimes!

  9. I have ALWAYS fantasized about going speed dating every since the movie Valentine came out … however, I’m gay, so I doubt there is a set-up like that for us. Good luck to you, you should definitely try it!

  10. Yeah nobody wanted to date me. Prob about 15 guys and 15 women were there. I was the wrong race. One guy tracked me down through online dating to ask me for no strings attached sex. I guess he didn’t want to tell the matchmakers that’s what he wanted from me or maybe explain why.

  11. I attended maybe 3 of these while I lived in Toronto.

    Didn’t get a single woman who wanted to meet afterwards.

  12. I went once, kind of as a way of coming up with an idea for a scene in one of my books. Figuring out what it’s really like instead of reading other people’s accounts. So I wan’t going in desperate to look for love.

    It was nearly equal between 16 women and 12 men. Most of the women there were pushing 50. I’m a 40M.

    Mostly had a bunch of smoke blown up my ass about how everything about me seemed so cool and interesting by the women who could have a conversation. Was bored to death by the ones who couldn’t.

    Got rejected by all 16. Nothing came of it. Kind of a waste of $20 in that sense, but got a lot of great ideas for the book.

  13. As a male I’ve tried speed dating a few times at comic conventions. Not once did I get one match.

  14. I went a few times. Got one girlfriend out of it. My friend got a wife. Met up with a few outside of it as friends for dancing and such. So, all-in-all positive experiences.

  15. I did it once when I was younger because a friend wanted to go but not go alone. I had an absolute BLAST. Seriously it was a killer time for me. I am also an extrovert and getting only a few moments with someone before moving on was exciting. My friend who is an introvert absolutely hated it, however, and said that every encounter she had was awkward silence or overly confident men. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  16. I did recently. It was interesting and entertaining but I wouldn’t do it again.

    It was too loud, I didn’t get to spend as much time with everyone as I would have wanted. I kept going to the same questions or I’d get so overwhelmed I’d forget what to say. That said, I enjoyed talking to 98% of the guys there. No match based on age range. I was older than everyone there. Wish I had asked the age range before going.

  17. I did it once when I was already buzzed. I was having drinks with my friend & noticed that half of the bar was cordoned off. Asked the manager why, he told us speed dating. We laughed & asked if we could join & he said sure. So we did.

    I didn’t care **and** I was buzzed so it worked out. Made ladies laugh, told them to come back next week, they did. Met people, but didn’t hit it off.

    But I’d go into it without any expectations & also the ability to laugh at yourself & not care. It’s silly.

  18. Ive been a few times and met women i saw tip, go to one organised by a singles event business and has age bracket events. I went to a pub one that was a bunch of old men and young women,it was aweful. I went to a few singles event ones which were 25pp, wine and cheese platters, for 30s and 40s and they were great.

  19. I’ve gone, and if you didn’t find a match they invite you for free to the rest of their events. I didn’t find anyone I connected with but to be honest I would go back – it’s a nice way to flex your social muscles and you could maybe meet someone special. I only had to pay for the first one and I get invited for free to all the rest.

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