What’s a popular myth about your country that is 100% false but many people still believe? 💭

  1. It is funny to see 90% white European countries talk about how racist the US is.

    I’m not gonna deny racism doesn’t exist in this country. But we’re one of, if not *the*, most diverse countries in the world.

    EDIT: so far i’ve had Italians and Germans try to tell me how *not diverse* the US is lol while linking to a webpage that describes Chad as the most diverse country lmao

  2. That we’re always on point and everything runs like a clockwork.

    Look no further than Deutsche Bahn.

  3. That there is a law forcing all phone cameras to make a loud noise to prevent upskirt shots.

  4. Australians do not ride kangaroos around like horses.

    The bouncing tends to cause nausea. We use Emus instead.

  5. People assume that we all wear wooden shoes (almost nobody does, aside from some farmers), that there are tulips and windmills everywhere (they’re there, but not everywhere), that everyone smokes weed and that everyone visits the Red Light District.

    Oh, and people think Amsterdam is the Netherlands, forgetting or not knowing that there are plenty of other cities, towns and villages.

  6. We all don’t smoke bath salts and use alligators to rob a Wendy’s.

  7. American here. I guess the stereotype I hear most often is everyone here is obese, lazy, and unhealthy. I definitely won’t argue that America has an obesity epidemic but at the same time, America produces some of the finest athletes in the world. Our Olympic Games records are stout.

    I do realize this is the exception and not the norm. Something needs to change here

  8. Mexico city and Cancun are the only places worth visiting 🇲🇽

    The diversity is so inimaginable and unmeasurable, I had the opportunity to visit so many places thanks to my SO working at an airline, from the north desert to the south jungle going through the middle colonial, Mexico is way beyond being a spring break beach and cosmopolitan city; every town, every city is so different, you could spend a whole year at Oaxaca and have a daily different experience, looks like every building at Puebla has a different history to tell, Tijuana gastronomy is so exquisite and no, those are not burritos… You can get like 20 different burritos across the whole border and don’t even get me started with the tacos subject.

  9. People act like Australian wildlife is the most dangerous thing on the planet. We don’t have bears or big cat and the few snakes or invertebrates that can kill you are extremely elusive or isolated that they barely bother anyone. I feel significantly safer here than in some overseas National Park I’ve been to that are known to have populations of tigers, bears or leopards.

  10. That we don’t shower. My country is where perfume was invented and used but, come on guys, really?

  11. That we are friendly. I have even been told that I am not very nice for a Canadian.

  12. mateship in Australia, all my ‘mates’ are junkie lying cunts who owe me money, steal from you and try and root your girl as soon as look at you

  13. America is “the land of opportunity” despite having one of the lowest rates of social mobility in the developed world.

  14. that we all eat fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. just because fast food places are everywhere that doesn’t mean we eat there daily.

  15. That we live in huts and ride dolphins to work and school or use sea shells as currency…

  16. That everything wants to kill us, it’s mostly just the sun that wants to kill us.

  17. What’s a popular myths about your country that Americans think is true.

    Because that’s how it feels reading the comments.

  18. As an Australian I can say that anything you heard is not a myth. It might be 99% false, but we’ll still confirm its very very true 👍

  19. That our diet is entirely based on pasta and pizza and that we play mandolin even though this one is a traditional instrument of just one specific area of my country and no one play’s it

  20. The only reason why we don’t live in pyramids is that the internet connection is pretty shitty inside.
    We don’t live in pyramids for other reasons as well

  21. That the U.S. is a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic that has had great economic success, but always at the expense of despicable minorities (of those in power) taking every advantage possible of those without wealth and influence.

  22. That there are polar bears in Finland (also applies to Sweden and mainland Norway).

  23. British people are either extremely well mannered and posh or we are violent, knuckle dragging yobs.

    Its not exciting but most people in the UK are neither aristocrats or thugs. Just normal people living their lives.

  24. That all Finns value honesty and high morality.

    Because of our social support system and such, people probably have higher chances of living a honest, ethical life than in a place where you need to do your everything to survive.

    But you will still meet scumbags and abusers over here as well.

    Also, another myth that imo is mostly untrue:

    That Finnish women are HC feminazis who have no interest in traditional family life, always put their career ahead of everything, are sexually very liberated etc.

    In reality, most of the Finnish women I’ve met are interested in a rather normal, simple life: a job that pays well enough, 1-3 children, own apartment, a partner that is reliable and easily approachable etc.

    Ofc, most of the women here are raised to be feminists but feminism does not have to exclude traditional family values. Imo it’s more about loving and respecting yourself outside the gender norms than fighting against traditions and basic human needs.

  25. That We Australian cruise around in kangaroos. No we don’t, it was out lawed several years ago

  26. I’m Canadian but this pertains to the United States. The amount of times I’ve felt the need to defend Americans while in Europe to people who think that “Americans are stupid and racist” is many more than I expected. The United States has 330 million people, many of whom are stupid, many of whom are very intelligent. Cherry picked compilations of Americans who don’t know geography is not indicative of the nation. As for racism, if you think the US is more racist than Europe then you should come live here for a while. Now I don’t want to blanket all Europeans here at all but the amount of pretentiousness and elitism I’ve heard from some of them when it comes to talking about the US (and Canada for that matter) is astonishing.

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