I applied to a role that is paying quite a bit more than what I’m getting now. Didn’t think I’d get it then 2 months later the project manager contacts me. We have quick chat and he offered me a job on the spot. I said I’d accept when I receive an offer. He took that as me accepting the role but I havent seen any offer or contract or anything.

Next day I got sent a congratulations email asking me to fill out some online screening information. Then today I had a meeting with hr women on teams to confirm my right to work. She said that it was already thought that I had handed In my notice and that it will take a few more days till contract is ready for me to sign.

Dilemma is that the project manager is keen to get people in ASAP so he’s expecting me in on a date that will be before my notice period as I guess he thinks I handed it in after we spoke. I don’t want to delay the start anymore so should I just hand in my notice tomorrow or is it better to wait till contract is seen and signed? If he wants me in enough then what is the difference in me handing in notice now or when I get my contract signed because they could still withdraw offer at any notice whether the contract is signed or not?

  1. At this point, without a signed-by-both-parties contract, what you have is a verbal agreement. And that’s not really worth anything.

    Tell your new job that you *need* to get the details worked out and down on paper and SIGNED before you can turn in notice at your old job. If they balk, ask why – because you’re just trying to be as responsible as you can to all parties involved.

  2. Contract, contract, contract.

    If your project manager is any good, (s)he will respect your waiting – just ask him whether he would start on a new program without the legals all sewn up?

    If he continues to push you to move on a verbal, his working practices are probably as slip shod.

    Ultimately, it’s your risk, it may all work out for the good. Alternatively, you may find yourself with a “we changed our mind” conversation.

  3. Indeed they can, but now you have the signed piece of paper to go to court with.

    It’s not much, but a payout may be the difference between paying the bills and getting deep(er) into a debt hole.

  4. I worked for a company who hired someone, they had signed a contract and were going through the vetting process. For this to happen they had hadn’t their notice in and was probably due to finish if not had finished (as vetting takes a month plus)…

    Then my company let them go…OK it was due to the covid outbreak but still, is a contract worth anything nowadays?

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