Hi! I’m curious about how you girls define if a guy you’re talking to is “partner material” or if you just want to have casual sex with him

  1. the potential partner is someone i feel that i’m
    compatible with, that i feel comfortable around, who i feel can and will accept me at my lowest, and who i feel i can be vulnerable with. the casual partner is a cool person with good looks but that’s about it.

  2. It depends on how well you match. I’ve had the best relationships with people who are carbon copies of myself and they usually started out as hookups. I prefer people who are just like me, preferably to a stronger degree. It’s very easy to get along with someone if you have all the same interests and attitudes vs someone who’s the polar opposite in my opinion.

  3. If I don’t like spending time with them, they’re not partner material. This comes on a huge spectrum though it is not an exact science.

  4. The partner is the one I’m comfortable enough with to see me without makeup looking a hot mess, that I look forward to their text or call and to hang out with. Where I’m good with snuggling even if we don’t have sex. The hookup is the sexy af man candy I can’t wait to climb on top of but knows we are not compatible at all outside of sex and quite frankly he’s annoying af.

  5. If a guy is intelligent, honest and seems to actually care for me, I am going to be more interested in a relationship with the person.

    If it seems like the guy is a bit of a player, I’ll be able to tell if he is just trying to use me and that is a huge turn off. That behavior is not going to make me develop any feelings, even if he were to end up developing feelings later on.

    I need intentions to be pure and honest from the start. I need the person to have good character.

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