what do you like to do when you’re really overwhelmed and stressed about life?

  1. Bath bombs and lots of sitting in the tub and looking at the water flow with music on

  2. Deal with whatever that’s making me feel that way.

    The only way out is through.

  3. Playing videogames.
    It truly helps me distract myself from everything, focusing only on the things that I have to do in the game.

  4. Cry if I need to, then take a hot shower, do a self-care routine, make tea and get into bed and either read or do a housewives binge.

  5. I go for a drive, sit in an empty parking lot in a nostalgic area, and I write out how I’m feeling.
    Sometimes I call someone to try to either vent or work through my thoughts. It helps to have some feedback sometimes!

  6. I clean my apartment. A messy living space is not helping me.

    Then I go work out until I can barely walk.

    Then I start dealing with the other parts and tackling them one by one to the best of my ability.

  7. If I can, I drink wine and watch true crime docs. With kids it’s not always a option.

    When the kiddos are up and about, I shut down and go through life like a actress. Pretend to be happy and just do my best.

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