I wish r/Tinder had more success stories instead of jokes. I just want to know how people respectfully use the app to connect for a hookup. I feel like being up front and direct is best so we don’t waste each other’s time, but as a guy, I don’t want to come off as creepy by saying “wanna fuck?” to a stranger? Do people really get laid by asking right away?

  1. Put in your bio ‘not looking for a relationship’ or ‘looking for something casual’ then have normal conversation with matches and reiterate that if needed.

  2. I mean all girls are going to want to have a conversation with you regardless if you’re just wanting to hook up or not. We need to vet if you’re crazy or weird or have a vibe that matches ours and not going to murder us if we go over to yours lol. So just really be yourself and let people get to know you and make that judgement call. There’s not some crazy Intel to it tbh.

  3. Ima girl and now dating my bf who I met off tinder. But I originally messaged him first and said that I only wanted to hook up and he was fine with it. Boom 5 years later were living together lol

  4. Make it clear in your profile that’s all you want but no, messaging with ‘wanna fuck’ is not going to work most of the time. I still want to have a conversation with a hookup. Get to know them and flirt a bit just to see if there’s even enough interest to meet in person and see if there is mutual attraction. Remember that even if someone is looking for casual sex they still have to decide if they want casual sex with you specifically. It’s basically the same as a first date but the end goal is a hookup instead of a relationship. So the questions will be more focused on sexual compatibility than other stuff.

  5. Before I met my SO (on Tinder), I would always make sure to ask quite early in the conversation (first few sentences) what they were looking for and making clear what I was looking for. This way, everything was out in the open before we even talked about meeting in person.

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