There’s this cute girl I’ve spoken to a few times and I thought they went pretty well. We’re both living on campus for the summer, she’s doing classes and I’m working. She was supposed to also work at the same place I am, but something came up and she doesn’t anymore. For the job we use GroupMe to communicate (basically Whatsapp if you don’t know) and I noticed she sent me a pm on it that said “hey”. I only saw the message about a day or 2 after she sent it, but I responded like “hi what’s up?” But she hasn’t responded to that. I’m not really pressed about it because that app is so ass, I wouldn’t be superised if she never got the notification, or she doesn’t check it often, I myself don’t. I did follow her on IG and she followed back, which I feel is a good sign, because she’s one of those people that have way more followers than people she follows. I was wondering if I should shoot her a DM on IG, or if that would be weird and I wait till I see her in person (which I have no idea when that will be even though we are staying on the same building)

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